Dec 07, 2005 17:33
OK OK OK .... there has been so much that's happened in the last two weeks that I've been wanting to post but everytime I sit down to do so I forget to talk about them.
Today involved a fire, running out of gas and getting lost. But... because I really didn't want to get into it... let's just leave it with "I missed class for a variety of reasons" It's ok - I got a little extra time at work done instead. Yeay money!
What else was there... damnit! Stupid flighty memory I've been having lately.
Ok... tomorrow my oral final in one of my German classes, or basicly sitting down in my professor's office and having a little chat about a random topic I can't really prepare for in German. My vocabulary still sucks, how can she do this to me?! A week from tomorrow begins my finals officially and they go on until the 21st. Oye.
Deep, calming breaths.