Mar 11, 2006 10:38
School Circulars
· Well, I am helping out at the Take Action Free The Children community for 2 years now
· This year I am in charge of running the bracelet and wrist bands, the making, the manufacturing and the sales. Thank you Dad!
· I am also in charge of the Fashion Show Decoration this year with Kelly and Parmar. If I ended up doing the makeup I might just volunteer and do that also with the help of a young makeup artist and 2 professional ones.
· I will be helping out with Sunil and his crew with the High School production play painting the set.
· Lastly and not least my own project with the weight room painting. Building up a room with beautiful Graffiti feel and an urban vibe.
Outside School Activities
· Spoken to Mrs.Parmar and Chris and many other teachers at school already. I might be able to help out with Hart House the UofT production behind the set and decoration. I can only cross my fingers and wait and wait and wait. I am really nervous but I really do hope everything will turn out fine and smoothly.
· Getting prints done, Parmar and Chris suggested the idea of having my prints put up for sale at Starbucks or Coffee Shop, I might do that I don’t know. I need cash so I can get myself a digi camera and go to San Jose and see Tam because I miss him and love him and we are not dating. Hahaha
· I want to submit my stuff to some sort of magazine so I can rule the world bit by bit with my tin thumbnail sized paintings.
· I will make extra prints to contribute to the School Fashion Show Auction, because I did not have the chance last year because SOMEBODY can’t drive me to Kinko’s. =P (I’m mean)
· I almost forgot Chris also told me that his Aunt helps out with Set Decoration for Hollywood too, she will be at their place on Monday, and I'm really thankful that Chris will has metioned her to me. Thank you Chris! <3
Job Search
I went to Build-A-Bear and was soooo nervous I almost tripped when I went into the mall and revived myself with a. Big sigh.
At the last day of school, I had many things in mind, which also includes stuff to do.
First off, I spoke to 10 different teachers and received prints from which Parmar has printed off. Then today I went to Build-A-Bear workshop handed in my resume and waiting for a call.
I also am waiting for two different calls and e-mail about the Hart House UoT production to help out.
Anyways this Spring Break will be really busy,
Im going to take huge baby steps one at a time.
Don’t rush me I already am taking on a lot at the same time.
Please understand me.
Wish me luck
Thank you