On Hump Day & Humping :)

May 26, 2010 20:09

Originally published at †Beyond Heaven & Hell†. You can comment here or there.

SO I had the most interesting conversation today in regards to Hump Day (mid-week), humping and InuYasha and BLEACH. I love talking about random things with random people. Makes life interesting I think. *Tee hee*

[Begin Conversation]

J D - Its called “hump day.” Does that mean I have to hump something? My dog thinks every day is hump day!

Jessie Angel - Ha!!!! That’s hilarious. I may have to retweet that!

J D - Ha, ha! Tweet away, sister! And get your hump on, after all, its the day for it!

Anthony Rodriguez - I hump everyday besides hump day. Odd? LOL

Jessie Angel - HAHA! Quite…

J D - Does humping one’s hand count? Haha!

Jessie Angel - For boys it does… Well, I guess for us girls it counts as well

J D - Haha! Girls don’t do that kind of thing, I thought!

Jessie Angel - Oh yes… yes we do. And if a girl tells you different, she’s either a prude or is lying to you.

J D - Nothing wrong with that! It’s just more fun when someone else helps with that, right?

Anthony Rodriguez - Think a female can hump themselves only if they keep their appendage still while they proceed to thrust their hips back and forth. Quite a humorous mental picture indeed…

J D - Humorous? Or hot?

Jessie Angel - Help is always appreciated! And I’d go for hot… well, if I were a guy I’d think it was hot. Well, actually, it can be humorous too. So I guess is both.

J D - Id cast my vote for “hot” and always offer a helping hand, lol!

Jessie Angel - Thank goodness for you!

J D - And all because of hump day!

Jessie Angel - This whole conversation is totally gonna go on my blog too. It just got upgraded from twitter to blog. LOL!

J D - A blog with pics? Haha!

Jessie Angel - Hahahah! Not a lot of pics. Just a few pics: http://voodooenvy.com

J D - You’ve gotta get pics consistent with the blog article, lol

Jessie Angel - HA! Which one are ya talking about? I’m random like that tho

Anthony Rodriguez - Haha. Well Jessie, I just paid a visit to your blog and noticed you like Inuyasha too! I just finished watching the series finale after so many years of hiatus. It was pretty intense!

J D - I’m talking about pics to go w your hump day blog, lol. Awesome blog you have, btw!

Jessie Angel - @Anthony OMG! Okay Anthony, I am so adding you to my friends list!
I love InuYasha. I read all the manga too! Did you read the manga? If you haven’t, I’m working on uploading the whole thing.

@JD OH!!! I will totally get HUMP DAY pictures.. You will see. They will be funny. Actually, I do have a non-related HUMP video on my blog. Hehe! I will have to add that again. Take a look!: http://voodooenvy.com/archives/secret-lives-of-condoms

Anthony Rodriguez - Awesome! Looking forward to discussing Anime with you new friend!
I haven’t read the manga, but I have watched the Anime like 3 times! I also loooooove bleach!

Jessie Angel - BLEACH! I’m reading that too. I have watched season 1 and 2. I need to watch the other seasons.

Anthony Rodriguez - You are?! Its awesome! Whenever I catch up to the Anime, I try to read ahead in the manga! Haha. But its an Anime that tells the story better through animation. Especially in some fight scenes!

Jessie Angel - Totally! I’ve been reading the manga though, and damn! It’s getting good… I’m so happy I got hump day buddies and anime watching buddies now

[/End Conversation]

It was a good hump day. Very good indeed. JD, I owe  you the hump pictures. However, I think that the ‘Secret Lives of Condoms’ video pretty much shows it all.

hump day, google buzz, wednesday, twitter, inuyasha, bleach

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