My Page Exploded!

Mar 31, 2010 23:38

Originally published at †Beyond Heaven & Hell†. You can comment here or there.

Ha! So I’ve been really trying to tweak the manga viewer for the manga page in my blog (and Henry Tran, the developer, has been so super helpful with my million and one questions! *thank you!!*) but after trying to tweak it so that I can upload different size manga pages, I think I broke it *eep!*

I’m probably making mistakes because I’m so tired, I’m pretty sure it’s me that’s the issue and not the developer. After all, I’m the newbie he’s the pro. Hee.

And then, I keep putting it a side so that when I come back to it I can really focus on trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Funny thing is that when I go and tweak the back-end a little bit, delete stuff that I don’t necessarily need or will ever use, I always seem to run into little visual ticks with the mood themes I am using (it really has nothing to do with the front end of the site and could just stay as it is since it’s only for my own benefit and I could, if I had to, live with it, but I am too ugh… obsessive about things that I have to find the solution for it.)

And now I’m faced with a dilemma… go to sleep and fix it tomorrow, or stay awake and try to figure it out? I’m inclined to do the latter, but I’m so very tired right now.


Decisions, decisions… LOL

Maybe my OCDness will win in the end and allow me to finish this project before 1AM.

We shall see-eth.

php, henry tran, tired, codes, kommiku, manga

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