Oct 01, 2008 14:50
So finally today, I sat down and thought about my trusty 'ol iPhone and how much of a true addict I really am. I'll admit. I'm pretty much ADD when it comes to shiny new things, but the iPhone has my full attention....... and my wallet's.
It gets the lates accessories (more than I can say for my own), and I have downloaded some of the coolest apps (and these are NOT free either!) It's pretty much my lifeline and it's pretty much how I access everything now-a-days.
My friends usually ask me: "Why do you always text message me. Why can't you call me like a normal person." Yeah, see? That's just it. I am not a normal person. Anyone who spends $39.99 on an application just because they want to try it out cuz the screenshot looks cool has got to be crazy.
My husband is going down the same path, and I have even 'turned' a few of my friends onto the iPhone. Some are still living vicariously through me and will soon be hopping in to the iPhone wagon.
You can bet your marbles that when the next Generation iPhone decides to make it's debut, I will be in line to get one (just like I was in line when the Original iPhone came out, and when the 3G iPhone came out).
Hopefully, Apple decides to do it in two years, right around the time my 2 year contract expires. Everything will be right as rain if they decide to do it then.
These were the ramblings of one crazy as girl... Or just Jessie will be ok.