Nov 28, 2005 21:57
I think my van got its feelings hurt after having not used it the entire 4day weekend. I was thinking about it sunday nite how I hadn't started it for four days. And of course Monday morning it showed its hurt lil feelings in the manner of "not starting". Yay I love "fawk I'm gonna be late for work, how am I gonna get to work quick" mornings. So yea I hate being late cause it harms my reputation. I bucked up for a fast cab and got to work 5 minutes late. Not too bad, but damn cabbies are expensive. I'm pretty convinced it was a dead battery from non-use and coldness. My boss loaned me a charger and drove me home. He said I really didn't have to hurry to work at all costs like I did, because I have a really good attendance record. But, I'd do it again cuz that's how I am.
The battery turned up 55% on the charger and is now humming away with electricity. -crosses fingers- If its the starter and not the battery it will suck ass changing the starter in the dark and cold driveway tomorrow nite. -shudder-