Oct 29, 2005 14:55
Wednesday nite I got bit my what I assume was a spider on my nose several times whilst I slept. That in combination with a sunburn from last weekend created a huge swollen red catastrophe. Yes, call me Rudolph. If I stop replying to phone calls/emails it is because the spider turned out to be a black widow. Or if you see me next time without an actual nose then it was some flesh eating diseased new species of spider. Please don't stare at my new prosthetic nose.
In actuality it is getting a little better. Maybe this can be my Halloween costume "zombie spider victim".
Yesterday I took a 4 hour nap right after work. I was just exhausted for some reason. That of course screwed over my sleep pattern and didn't get to bed till 3am. I had some crazy dreams once I got to bed. First I was at like an outpost that consisted of a couple buses (like Mad Max scenario) and there were zombies that jumped off a train that stopped nearby. So I was fending off zombies with a mace (steel mace, not pepper mace) outside the bus. Then I was in a cross between Resident Evil and Saw II. Running down a hallway from baddies and stuff. Sounds like a nightmare but it didnt feel scary... Its just what I do. I kill monsters.
Its nice out and I would like to get motivated enough to ride my bike. I want to ride my bike to work every day before the elections and create traffic problems as a statement towards voting no on the tax repeal. My theory is that if its fresh in voters minds how bad traffic is then they might have sense to not take away transportation dollars.