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Jun 11, 2012 04:18

История с амстердамскими музыкантами имеет свое продолжение в совпадениях)
Каким-то образом некто MariosTh1990 нашёл моё видео с ними, чему был несказанно рад, ибо сам не так давно повстречал их в Амстере на том же самом месте, так же остался в полном восторге, и очень надеялся, что не только у него одного появилось желание сохранить на память эту музыку и поделиться ей со всем миром. В общем, надежды его оправдались =)

Он написал мне ответ со своим видео.
Вот оно и его впечатления:

image Click to view

This is one of my best memories in Amsterdam. These musicians are amazing. I met them at the Central Station in Amsterdam. They are always at the same place everytime.
The first day I was passing by, they were playing this song and one more guy was with them playing the guitar. It litterally blew me away! It was the first time I felt that I couldn't go away.. So much passion, so much heart, so much soul, such a nice melody... I was travelling with their notes that I forgot to record that one.
The second day I went again to find them. Only the two of them were there and by the time I arrived they started playing the same song!!! I feel so lucky I could listen to this again, even without the guitar.
This video is from my second day. Everyday I had to go there to enjoy their playing :)
They told me they are from Bulgary and they compose music. I couldn't understand if this masterpiece was theirs. But they surely deserve the best.
What broke my heart was not just the sad melody. People were passing by without even noticing them. No one stopped to give some money or even listen.. It was like they were not there... I hope one day, life changes for them. They deserve so much more..

ps: эх, в Амстердам бы, в Амстердам...
pss: ну, ничо, завтра ждет меня Питер... мы с ним тоже давно уже не виделись =)
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