When are there too many words?

Aug 26, 2012 16:56

When I can't wrap my head around sitting with just a few of them at a time.  In other words, I'm having terrible writer's clot.  Yep, clot.  there are a whole bunch of words stuck in me, all lumped together, and they are making all the other words back up.  See, the difference between this and writer's block is that I don't lack words.  I can see/hear/feel all of them.  I know where they should go and why.  I just can't get them organized or down on paper in any meaningful form (and by form I mean together in one medium at all, not as in poetic form).  And now, because I am who I am, I've been reading blogs and thinking and now MORE words are backing up and clotting.


And I have a little less than two weeks to finish this packet.

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