Aug 01, 2006 13:48
As you have likely heard by now, Braveheart was recently arrested for DUI and made several anti-jewish remarks during his arrest. There has been something of an over-reaction from the media, and even the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. I read somewhere that local Jewish groups were considerding boycotts of future Mel projects, and I think to myself: "this is pretty fuckin ridiculous".
I don't like what he said, but who the hell cares. When we start punishing people for what they think or say, we walk a very dangerous road. I'll be the first one to point out, of course, that this punishment seems to be mostly in the form of public opinion and it's not like the government has banned Ransom from making movies. But to go so far as to try to create an organized response with boycotts and maybe protestors outside his home etc... seems more than a touch excessive. It's not even like he made a movie titled "Why Jews suck; 10 reasons to embrace your inner Nazi". He spouted off some comments while he was being arrested, and cause he's famous they are now front-page news. I say screw that. Let the man be a bigot, what the fuck do I care. The world is full of bigots, and some less savory characters too. The only thing I really care about is that I absolutely never ever ever fuck with Mel Gibsons family, or he will take my world apart.