Jul 17, 2006 20:09
OK well today I woke up at 11am today from a phone from Kinsey during which we desided she would come get me from house with shelby and we would go to Liquadation world to make fun of Shawn R. and while we where walking there they desided Kelsey and I can't deisde when or when not we are mad at eachother which I find funny but oh well anyways, Shawn wasn't there so we desided we would walk to Kinsey's house where I terrorized her dog Sophie and we played Monopoly while eating the random junk at her house, then Kari called Shelby's phone and Kari and I desided we needed to hang out so she would pick me up, while I waited there was two 10 year olds that started randomly cusing me out and telling me to suck there dick, so I told them I had shoes older than them, which I do and to go find the nearest busy intersection to lay in and they went away after calling me a bitch a couple more times (I've desided I hate little trailer trash kids) well I managed to jump in Kari's car as they started back from the skate park for round two (they flipped us as we drove away which we responded to in the same way) we went to startbucks and she bought me coffee cause she loves me. ^_^. and we desided to drive around and blare music out of her car while I climb around the inside of car and window chalk it to death with blue. well then we desided we wanted more window chalk so we went to Wal-mart and got some more (red this time) and then we desided we wanted Jones so we drove to Rosaure's as I applied the red window chalk to her car, my hand is stained red ;_;.... well anyway we got the jones and we started headed back to clarkston as we gave JD the frist of two messages (we got bored) well he didn't answer his phone so we went to Kari's house and we went on myspace and looked at bands and then listen to some music and her dad and mom showed up and Kari's mom lost her phone at work (but it was found) and apprantly Kristin might be in a little trouble, Well, we deisded I was going hiarspray color red streaks in my hair and we where gonna dress me up in some us kari's clothes and do my make-up weird. We also left JD another message while we where at her house and for some reason it had the word 'damnit' in there an a lot. We got the mail for her mom and then left we drove around a bit and then left Sara a message, called Shane and Morgan. Then I had to go room cause I checked in. Well that was my dad, peace out people.