(no subject)

Jan 01, 2012 14:54

Okay, this has happened too many times to count to me and others at my personal Mart of Walls, so I'm going to go ahead and clear things up.

Customers? We're aware it's busy. I promise you that we're doing our level best to make things move as quickly as possible. Most of us are, anyways, I can name a few cashiers that do little to nothing regardless of how many people are in their line but that's beside the point.

Let me rephrase that statement, then. I, personally, am doing my level best to make things go as fast as they can for you. My CSMs are all doing the same thing, I promise. I'll even spit-shake on it.

You see the eighteen cash registers? You see how only one of them is closed? And that the one that is closed is number seven, where we have a giant line-up of carts with things in them ready/being readied to go back to the departments they came from? They're all we have.

No, shut up about the ones in Sports, Jewellery, Automotive, and the Garden Centre. Here, in the front of the store where all the registers are, these are all the registers we have. We aren't hiding any in the back, there aren't any invisible ones lurking in the shadows, there aren't any that can pop out of the floor. As awesomely cool as that would be.

Therefore telling me, or anyone else working, that we need to open more registers? Is stupid and will get you looked at as if you've just grown two extra heads. Because we already have all of them open. We're aware that the lines are long, we know that it's busy, and we're already doing our level best to get you the hell out of our store.

And on a similar but different note? Don't dare complain to us about the lack of people on the floor when it's busy. You want to know why that is? Because of assholes like you that wait until the last minute to shop and flood the store at all at once, forcing us to get everyone from the departments that are cash trained to leave their departments and jump on a cash. You get a goddamn fucking choice: fast lines, or service in the department. We'd love to be able to give you both but we can't. Unless it's Xmas Eve, but that's only because not a single person gets that day off.

work related, rant

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