(no subject)

Apr 11, 2011 21:43

Dear everyone;

Piling every last thing in your very full cart up onto the belt of my register is not at all helpful. It makes me hate you and ruins my mood - which in turn makes me cranky with all the customers that come after you until some cheerful person makes me laugh and puts me back into a good mood.

Asking for a hundred dollars cash back at eight o'clock in the morning leaves me, usually, with only one twenty and six fives. I will hate you for this because it means I either have to A)pray to every god out there that no one else wants cash back or, you know, change - because a good number of my fellow cashiers have the bad habit of not leaving extra change in their tills - or B) track down one of my managers to get me a loan from the cash office. While serving customers and praying to every god out there that no one else wants cash back or, your know, change.

Go to a goddamn bank if you want your six hundred dollar cheque cashed. I will NEVER have the change for that, it will always slow down the entire line, and I will never be amused by it. And change your hundred dollar bill at the bank while you're at it, because I want it even less than you do.

No I will not give you sixty dollars worth of five dollar bills. Again, go to the goddamn bank for that. I'm lucky if I have forty dollars worth of fives, let alone sixty.

Little boy who looked heartbroken when he realized he didn't have enough money to donate a dollar to our collection du jour? I love you. Please continue being adorable.

Everyone else GDIAF;

- Vonnix

work related, rant

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