(no subject)

Aug 20, 2010 00:04

Dear Resistance Two Players;

To Soldiers: STAND STILL. If you want to survive longer than thirty seconds in a big fight, doing the mamba around the battlefield is not the way to do it. While it might prevent a majority of the shots/missiles/etc from hitting you it will also make the life of your Friendly Neighborhood Spec Ops hell - and subsequently ignore you for the rest of the fight for someone that stands still. It's also not that easy to aim a healing blast at someone that's constantly in motion. I may only be lvl 9 medic, but my sister is level 30 and assures me of this fact.

To both Medics and Specs (but mostly low-level medics, in my personal experience): DON'T GET SO CLOSE TO THE SOLDIER'S SHIELD. I understand that you want to get closer to the action, but putting yourself between the gun that the soldier's wielding and the Chimera Du Jour is not the way to do it. The only thing that will happen then is either A) a very pissed off soldier that will avoid being near you or B) the soldier turning their shield OFF to get you killed / to get you to move.

To GOOD Medics: I love you. Have my babies. Srsly.

To BAD Medics: Go die in a fire. Turn off your damn scope and start doing your damn job and healing the team. It gets you experience faster than the Titans or Stalkers ever will.

To Specs: Again with the scopes. Pull your gun away from your eye for a few seconds and give your Friendly Neighborhood Shield-toting Soldier some ammo packs. Because if you don't, everyone around you will die. Yes, you get more experience by shooting the Chimera, but you also get more experience by being alive. So it's in your best interest to keep your soldier happy and not hoping to run into you in a Competitive match while they desperately dance around the battlefield looking for ammo. Or hiding behind something until something they can melee wanders close. (one personally memorable time I was ignored by the spec of my team du jour was when I ran out of ammo in the middle of killing off a three-star titan. I ran up to it and started punching it's butt and ended up killing the thing with a melee - let me tell you my sister and I were laughing our asses off at that)

To Everyone (but again, medics especially): pay attention to the map in the corner. You know the one, the one that tells you where the chimera are coming from? It also tells you where your dead teammates are. You enjoy being revived and keeping all your hard-earned berserk energy and grenades so why not help someone else out as well? It's understandable if it's suicide to do so, but if you're standing right on top of them and not moving it's just ridiculous and a fast way to have someone annoyed at you. REVIVE YOUR TEAMMATES. YOU NEED THEM ALIVE TO GET THROUGH THE MISSION.

And for those of you who play Holar Tower: The mission where you have to stick with a downed chopper pilot? You actually have to keep him alive. STOP IGNORING HIM TO RUN OFF AND KILL CHIMERA.(my sister and I call him "Blue" because that's the colour of his dot on the map in the corner and henceforth he shall be called that here as well) The higher-level players have mostly all figured this out but too many lower level players haven't and I can't even count the missions that have failed because of their idiocy. All that's needed is two soldiers, a spec, and a medic sticking near him and the whole team will be golden. Each soldier shield one side of Blue and don't move around too much, then just shoot away at the oncoming chimera. The spec keeps the shield up and the medic heals everyone when they get close and start melee-ing.

Low-level soldiers? And a strange amount of high-level ones? YOUR SHIELDS ONLY BLOCK THINGS SHOT AT YOU. Melee damage is not blocked by your shield. This means having your shield up in the middle of a grim attack? Is just a waste of energy that could be better used at some other point in time.

Everyone? STOP PRESSING ALL THE BUTTONS AS SOON AS THEY COME UP. In some missions this is suicide. I don't care if you're used to playing superhuman and want more madness - not everyone is so doing this will kill them, and then you because you have no one to support you.

No love whatsoever,
(aka JessieSparrow)

resistance 2, rant

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