Ghost story (entry for contest)

Oct 04, 2008 07:14

I live in a house in Small Town, NC, which was built in 1939. The house has been updated many times, so it's modern, but still has a lot of it's shotgun charm. On the walkway in front of the house, is a memorial to someone who died in a war. The writing is mostly worn down, but visible when the sun is setting. We moved into the house in June of 2005. I had packed up the kitchen from the other house and I was alone, unpacking in the new house. As I put away silverware, the hairs on my arm stood straight up and I could feel someone directly behind me. Being that I tend to have an overactive imagination, as well as a tendency to freak out, I took a breath to calm myself, then started to talk, expressing gratitude for this home, joy at having a home that was so lovely, as well as expressing my desire to live a peaceful and calm life, watched over, but not frightened by anyone or anything in this home. My heart rate slowed down, my goosebumps resolved and within a few moments I felt alone again.

Flash forward two months, and I had just finished cleaning the front bathroom. I had washed the floors on my hands and knees and left to do the back bathroom. Several hours later, on my way to bed, I went back to the front bathroom to put down the bathmat. In the middle of the floor was a wad of hair, about as big as my fist. This was black hair with a few strands of gray, and it was fine, silky hair of medium length. My hair is long, coarse and auburn. My daughter's hair was shorter, curly and dark brown. My son had very short boy hair, and my boyfriend at the time also had a very short man hair. The wad of hair looked like it had been cleaned out of a hairbrush. The scent of the hair was nothing that I identified, and nothing that even vaguely resembled my family, if you know what I mean. (I could probably identify both kids by scent alone... not that they stink, but because they both smell like my kids.)

Neither of the kids saw the hair when they passed the bathroom. I showed it to everyone in the house. No one knew anything about it.

Since then, a few odd things have happened, missing objects, books, things out of place. Occasionally I'll feel that someone is beside me when I'm getting ready for bed, or when I'm bathing in the front bath, I'll feel that I'm not alone. I'm not afraid, but when something is missing, I do ask respectfully to locate whatever has disappeared. And it shows up.

This is an entry for a contest hosted by Knit Witch.  (I'm img src challenged, since I don't have a server to dock images, but if someone wants to help me, I'll put the button up instead of the link.)  Oh, and have you read Knit Witch? She makes lovely yarn, lives in a beatific home and her husband makes yarn bowls, which I want, very much. 
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