(no subject)

Oct 11, 2011 18:57

It took two weeks until Sam was finally released, a time during which Thor didn’t get to see much of his savior. After spending another day in intensive care the young man had been transferred to a trauma unit, which was located on the third floor, making it all but impossible to smuggle the large animal into his room. As Dean spent most of his time in the hospital, something that didn’t really surprise the boxer mix; he was left in Bobby’s care. The fact that the grizzled hunter turned out to have a really soft spot for him lessened his anxiety just a bit over missing his master and not being able to see for himself that Sam was doing okay. Still he was glad when the day came, when he Dean finally brought the young man home.

Home, at least for right now, was a small ground level apartment, which Bobby rented just a couple days ago. The older hunter had taking him on the search, checking out at least five other places and dismissing them as not suitable for someone with Sam’s injuries. Almost at the point of giving up, they had finally found this place. It was a little small and although only furnished with the necessities, it appeared almost cluttered. It would do though, at least for the few months it would take for the youngest Winchester to get back on his feet.

Thor panted anxiously as the door opened and Dean entered. Standing slightly to the right, the older Winchester watched his brother make his way into the room, hovering like a hen over her chick, yet making no move to help. When Sam was finally within his view, the boxer mix could see the reason for his behavior. Moving slowly, as the short walk from the car clearly exhausted the young man, beads of perspiration visible on his forehead and leaning heavily on his crutches, he also wore an expression that spoke of determination. There was no doubt that this kid was his master’s brother, he very obviously had the same stubborn fortitude, maybe even more so, that Dean possessed - a Winchester in every way.

This was his boy. Thor smiled; he couldn’t believe that only a short time ago he didn’t want anything to do with Sam and now he felt all possessive and proud about him. It made him sad that he had been so wrong about the human, when it usually was so easy for him to judge people. His only saving grace was that he had been so protective toward his master that he couldn’t see beyond the obvious hurt the younger man had caused Dean. Come to think of it, he still didn’t understand, but now he saw Sam in a different light and whatever his reasons had been, he clearly didn’t mean to hurt his brother.

“Why don’t you sit over there?” Bobby’s voice pulled him out of his reverie, “That chair is probably the most comfortable piece of furniture in here.”

Letting himself down in the chair, Sam let out a breath of relief, he thought he was ready for this, but he clearly had overdone it a bit today. Anxious to leave the hospital, he had gotten up and dressed in the clothes Dean had brought the previous night, before the older man had gotten back from his breakfast run. After that the physical therapist had gone with him over the exercises he was to do several times a day at home, besides the three times a week sessions he had to go to at the outpatient clinic. All in all, he discovered now that it had taken more out of him than he expected. So he wasn’t complaining about the tiny apartment; any bigger and he might have had to ask Dean for help.

Closing his eyes for just a minute, he didn’t realize he must have dozed off until Dean’s anxious voice woke him.


“Wha…what?” Trying to clear his mind, he noted something like fear written in his brother’s green orbs.

“You okay?”

“What…yeah, fine, just tired I guess.” Seeing how the expression on the other man’s face changed to one of relief, he figured it would be best to be honest, “I think I overdid it a bit today!” He confessed sheepishly.

“Yeah well, why don’t you rest here for a bit and then I’ll help you lie down? It’s just a few steps into the bedroom.”

“Sounds good, just give me a few minutes, I’ll be able to make it then.” Sam yawned, mumbling something else under his breath, his head already relaxing against the high back of the chair.

The next thing he knew was something wet swiping across his face, making him aware of the fact that he must have dozed off. Startled by the wetness and fully expecting to open his eyes to find his brother with a wash cloth in his hand, he was surprised to see Thor in front of him. The dog’s front legs were perched up on one of the armrests of his resting place, his face, tongue still hanging out, only inches from Sam’s, leaving no doubt what swiped across his cheek just a second ago.

“Wha…Thor, yak…!” The young man exclaimed, as the large animal panted and wagged his tail joyfully.

“I think he is telling you that you should lie down before you get all still in the chair here!” Dean smirked.

Sam groaned and held his ribs, while struggling to lean forward to reach his crutches which were lying on the carpet. Before Dean could respond, Thor jumped forward and grabbed one of the crutches with his teeth, bringing it close enough for the younger Winchester to take it from him, before repeating the act with the other one then sitting back expectantly.

“Thanks, Thor!” He petted the animal’s head.

Adjusting his grips, he fought his way to standing, waiting for a moment before walking towards his brother, who was opening the door to what he assumed, was the bedroom. He didn’t have to look to know that his helper was right beside him, watching his every move as if to make sure he wasn’t going to fall. And as tired and sore as he was, Sam couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of having finally conquered the heart of the dog of thunder.


Although he was in considerable pain for the first few weeks and the therapy session took all he had to give and sometimes it even seemed like more than that, Sam couldn’t help but enjoy the next two months. Nothing could undo what happened to Jess and even Bobby’s presence couldn’t make him forget the fact that their father was still missing, yet staying in one place, no matter how small that place was, being with his Dean and not hunting, it was almost like the life he always wanted.

And then there was Thor - the mixed breed hardly left his side, even went to therapy with him. It was almost like the animal had found his purpose in making sure the younger Winchester got what he needed.

Now that Sam was down to using a cane instead of two crutches and took frequent, if still short walks, Thor was always close by, pushing out of the way anything that might have tripped the young man before it could cause problems.

It was clear that Sam enjoyed the devotion the pet showed. Even Dean, who never let his brother go without him, was amazed by the bond that had formed between the two in the last few months. It wasn’t like the older Winchester didn’t notice the tension in their relationship before. No, really he had seen it from the very beginning, how Sam had tried to win the animal over and how Thor in turn had refused any of those attempts. It hadn’t passed him either that his brother’s attempts had suddenly ceased, although he never quite figured out what had happened, just like he had never understood why his canine friend had refused the friendship in the first place. Still, there never had been a doubt in his mind that it was just a matter of time until this would change.

Dean Winchester wasn’t stupid either, he could see that the change had been born out of guilt on Thor’s side, yet by now there was no doubt that there was genuine love there and it made the older man smile. Dog or human, Sam would win them all over eventually.


Thor was excited.  Sam was getting better and the walks they took were getting longer with each passing day. He enjoyed his ‘job’ as the younger man’s self-appointed protector immensely and it still amazed him how much trust he received in return. Walking ahead like always to clear the way, he listened to the friendly banter between his two masters, without ever losing track of what was going on around him. The slamming of a door made him look to the right, where a middle-aged man stepped off the porch in front of a two story home. Sensing something familiar, yet not in a comforting way, the canine’s ears went up and he stopped. The hairs along his neck rose and he let out a warning growl.

“Settle down Thor, the guy isn’t going to hurt you!” He heard Dean’s voice trying to placate him.

Ignoring his master, the transformation that followed as recognition struck him was as sudden as it was complete. Where just a second ago was a dutiful loving pet, stood now a fierce, snarling attack dog who clearly was ready to kill if he had to.

“Wha…what’s wrong with your dog? K…Keep h…him a…away from me,” The man stammered as he backed up, resulting only in Thor drawing forward the same amount of steps.

“Thor, stand down!” Dean ordered, yet instead of receiving the hoped for response, the large animal jumped forward another few paces.

“What’s wrong with you?” The older Winchester reached down and pulled the large mixed breed back by his collar, resulting in his front paws leaving the ground, as he refused to be dragged away and his barking turning into a coughing fit as his air supply was restricted.

“I’m sorry for that”, Dean apologized to the man, “I have no idea what’s gotten into him!”

He turned, yanking the boxer mix with him until they both faced Sam, who was leaning heavily against his cane, all color drained from his face as he stared at the vehicle the stranger was now walking towards.

Recognizing the blue truck instantly, Dean lost his hold on Thor, who took the opportunity to charge the man, taking him down as he jumped him. Pinned down on his belly, desperately attempting to free himself of the large animal lying on his back, the guy looked almost comical. If the older hunter hadn’t been so upset, he would have laughed at the picture. Instead he pulled his cell out and dialed 911, the only thing he could do to prevent himself from kicking the living daylights out of the guy who’d almost killed his little brother.


After the police arrived it took both Winchesters several minutes to convince Thor to let go of the man. Clearly scared out of his wits, the guy didn’t even try to deny that he had been the one who had run down Sam, which was a good thing, as the damage the hit-and-run had caused to the truck had been repaired by now. Another 15 minutes went by to take some preliminary statements and a promise from both of them to come to the station later to make things official. Even the walk back to their apartment took longer, as Sam was visibly shaken, although he denied it in usual Winchester fashion. The only thing that was almost instant was the transformation of Thor back into the easygoing pet he always was.

Looking at the way the animal nudged Sam’s hand from time to time and trotted by him, it seemed almost impossible that this was the same snarling monster that had taken down a good-sized man just a short time before. Only the way the well-defined muscled moved underneath the shiny short-coated skin indicated the power that was hidden there. Guiding his two masters home, Thor wasn’t completely satisfied with the day and his accomplishments until Sam was sitting in the recliner in the living room and Dean was by his side on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table and taking a deep pull from the beer he obtained from the fridge.

“You did good today!” Dean stated, scratching the animal behind his ears.

The dog looked at him then moved closer to the younger man, gazing at him expectantly. He wasn’t disappointed, as Sam reached out and petted his head.

“You did more than just good, boy. Thanks for catching the guy!”

Well, he didn’t have to say it, because he owed Sam at least that much for saving his life, but it still felt great to hear it. Thor leaned his head into the large hand, his brown eyes locking with the hazels of the youngest Winchester.

There was a moment of silence between them, before Sam whispered, “No need to thank me, buddy, I would do it again in a heartbeat!”

The End

Prompt by Anonymous -

After Sam left for Stanford, Dean got lonely and so he got a pet puppy. The puppy loves his master and is very possessive of him, so much that he got jealous of Sam when Sam joins them in search for their father. Sam adores the puppy and is always petting him and giving him treats even though the pup always growls at Sam and pees on his socks and boots. The puppy can't accept the fact that his master, Dean, loves another human and that he has to share his time and love with that tall human, who is his master's little brother. He continues to stay mad at Sam and even bites him one time when Sam tries to pet him. He expects Sam to rat him out to his master but nothing of that sort happens but he feels Sam slowly distancing himself from the pup (obviously getting the memo finally). The puppy thinks that he would be happy now that Sam is not petting him coz he hates Sam but he ends up missing his owner's little brother more than ever and feels guilty about biting his hand like that. One day while trying to follow Dean across the street, the puppy finds a car coming towards him rapidly n he freezes. he least expects to find himself thrown out of the way and turns back to see Sam hit by the mad car. Sam remains unconscious for hours while they rush him to the hospital to fix his broken leg and check him over. The pup's scared to death at the thought of losing Sam and doesn’t leave his side the whole time Sam recovers at Bobby's. He curls himself on Sam's side licking his hand n face, apologizing in his own puppy-way.

bobby, dean, family, sam, au, gen

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