I dont know how many of you know about Charmaine Lim. But I have been reading her blog since day 1.
I am definitely not ashamed to say that I have donated to Charmaine an amount that is insignificant to me, but I know how significant this amount is to them.
I understand people's concern over donations toward charities. Honestly, I hated the NKF and the RenCi foundation for swallowing the goodwill money meant for the needy. It is black sheeps like them, that stopped people from donating. It is assholes/shit like them, that makes the feeling of donating towards good cause an unseen stupidity.
I told someone that I participated in HWZ's Fund-Raising-Drive for Charmaine. And if she unfortunately did not survive before this amount of money was handed over to her direct family members, this amount of money were to be Children Society, Singapore.
What provoked me into succumbing to my anger is the sentence "next time u will see scs installing gold taps" that appeared in the midst of our conversation.
I am not angry at this someone. I am just wondering, how many people are totally fearful by the such black sheeps in the society, that they believe that there are no genuine cases worth believing for.
Do people donate more than what they can afford? I believe so, but not many Singaporeans. Assuming that people donated a small amount of what they earn, do they need this amount of money to survive? I understand that the feeling of being cheated and the feeling of getting your sympathy being played on. But if this insignificant money of money can bring hope to people, and it means a dress less, a meal cheaper, why stop donating altogether? Just because the minority of non-profit organizations are corrupted, doesnt conclude that all of the non-profit organization are corrupted as well. I'm angry, yet I understand why people do not give back to the society.
I foresee that there will be more cases surfacing to be corrupted. Majority of the bigger nonprofit organizations are already being under scrutiny by the government. But still, I plead with you people reading. Do not stop giving back to the society. Do not turn away people who needs help.