FIC REC!!!!!! ALI!!!!! CHRIS!!!! MAGGIE!!!! RONNEEE!!!! methinks a few others, too....

May 28, 2008 13:48

now, okay, so i haven't actually READ all of this fic yet, but i read the first para, just to get a feel for the writting before i got too excited.  and i'm a bit excited.  supernatural/M7 crossover.... the brothers investigate 4 corners because tis haunted by the ghosts of old west cowboys... a particular bunch of old west cowboys... ::is bouncing in chair::

anyway, so i had to share, then i'll go back and read it myself.  if neccessary, i'll revoke this rec later.  but yeah. go!

EDIT:  read it. loved it.  and i'm pretty sure it's not a WIP because teh author keeps mentioning other chaps' events in the glomph of commentary she's gotten....

...why aren't you clicking yet?????

fic, m7

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