alrighty then.... methinks this means war

May 30, 2007 11:11

The LJ rumor mill has been going crazy the past few days but i only heard about it last night from following a link bethy posted.  apparently, lj canceled hundreds of user accounts and comms because of things listed in their 'interests' or because of content.  everything was listed in their ToS i'm sure, but there's also been rumors that the ToS has been changed recently without notice?  so how is that fair?
 for a wonderfully complete overview of events, check out

it's really sad that lj had to cave and really scary that fanatics like the group responsible exist.   i'm not even involved in any of the groups that were torn down, but i do have problems with the possibility of being painted with that pedophile brush that the dumbshits Warriors for Innocence are using.  what's worse is they're doing it pretending to be affiliated with law enforcement, but their correspondence and journals only prove that they are dumb as a post and doing this out of protest to too many long hours working as a night nurse.  they have no training whatsoever and are crossing lines, big time.

reading their posts, i can't help but think they're a psychopath waiting to happen, someone who's playing in that gray area because they LIKE IT, not because they're trying to do the real victims any good.  by claiming to be crusaders, they are just attempting to justify the hours they spend looking at pictures that would fry normal people's brains at first sight. they are attempting to hide behind morals instead of admitting that they have a personal problem.

as it is, they've done more damage than good with their campaigns.  i'm all for law enforcement, used to volunteer and wanted for years to enter in to it until my brain and stomach both informed me that i couldn't handle it.  it's a hard job.  it's hard to see the stuff they see. and people do snap. i personally think that's what happened here with that person, lj's issues aside.  but someone parading around the internet, seeking out child porn and then notifying the public via a blog instead of notifying the proper authorities is just a breeding ground for more perpetrators.  that's not law enforcement. it's not protecting the innocent. it's free advertising.  and pardon me while i toss in the politics card, but it's total republican bullshit.  the idea that morals can be imposed upon the public en mass is ludicrous.  that's what parents are for. that's what church is for.  that is not what law enforcement is for.  and then turning around and draping yourself in the flag of justice and a bible to hide from the truth of your own actions is just the icing on the republican cake.  if you're going to be a porn addict, admit it and be done with it. your brain will not hurt so much and you'll eventually get over it.  just like alcoholism or drug addiction, right? the first step is admitting you have a problem.  by hiding behind someone's ideas of morals and by blaming the victims of the crimes themselves, you're NOT HELPING ANYONE, least of all yourself.

and the sad state of affairs is that porn, as sick and twisted as it is, does serve a purpose in our society.  it keeps the sickos at home and on their computers instead of out there perpetrating on people.  to an extent, yeah, it can rile them up to go out there and take action, but that can't be as high a percentage as those who just sit at home trying to figure out how to fulfill their own fantasies.  i haven't done any research in to this arena at all so i'm just ranting at this point, but i have not seen any headlines on the news "man rapes woman after finding porn on the internet".  those lj comms and journals while disgusting to my personal sensibilities, had their place and purpose.   this WFI group just caused a shit load of problems by publicly pissing off the perpetrators.  not to be crass, but how many of the truly sick people on LJ got pissed off at being blocked and went in to the next room to take their anger out on a kid?  and now that they aren't on LJ anymore, how can real law enforcement find them?  the things that go on behind closed doors are impossible for a cop or a teacher or any mandated reporter to know about sometimes, so people posting their shit on the internet is just beating a path to their door. that's the tracking signal that real law enforcement can follow when the victims involved are too traumatized to seek out help.

again, i'm just ranting and purging my frustrations with those entities at the moment. i'm not a psychologist or a sociologist or a cop or anything.  i have some knowledge from over four years of schooling and volunteer work so this is a hot topic for me.  and by attacking LJ and writers and fandom, it got even warmer, so i need to vent.

i may not agree with the things you say, but i'll defend to the death your right to say them.

that's why, as scary a place as the internet is, i like it.  and that's why groups like WFI scare the bejeezuz outta me.

ranty, wtf, lj fkup

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