Lookie! i made a new icon!

Aug 19, 2006 10:29

heh. uhm ::Waves:: i'm still alive!  it's been, like a month since i posted, but whatever.  nothing terribly interesting has been going on.

i'm still in limbo on the aussie thing tho, and i've decided that whether i go to school there or not, some way or another i'll be in au even just to visit around my 24th birthday.  wouldn't it be great to be there at the new year? omg, fireworks over sydney harbor... ::faints:: credit cards got enough room on 'em for plane tix, so... that's my plan.  i'm just waiting on mom to give me a final verdict on things.  she keeps telling me "i'm still working on the numbers." and then gets all huffy when i say i can't go to school because i don't have the funding.  i am working on a deadline here that the school and her don't seem to understand... sure i'm IN the school, but i have to get the visa stuff taken care of, and i have to get myself lodging and that is one of those things that the earlier you apply the better the odds of finding something.... ::sigh:: it's annoying.

I MADE A SAWYER CHIBI!!! heeheehee!! he's cwute.

on a totally unrelated note i started watching the new show psych. amusing way to waste an hour, definately a "check your brain at the door...." kinda fantasy trip. i've already been involved in a flame war for the fandom tho.  they are not nice people in this baby-fandom.  i'm still mullin' over on if i'll stay in the online stuff or just content myself with watching the show.
PRISON BREAK starts MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! as does Vanished... GALE!!! YEAS!!!

emily's baby was due yesterday.  i haven't heard anything from her or her mom... so i guess i can assume the kid's still baking? ::shrug:: haven't heard anything in six months other than the invite to the baby shower and a request to burn a cd for her.  so... 
baby over-due countup: day one.
oh and i signed up for this medical transcription course... haven't done a single hours worth of homework on it in a month. 0=c> oops.

i should prolly go work on that. 0=c>

wtf, couch critic, chibi, prison break, tao, high aspirations

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