
Jul 15, 2006 19:05

Tis been a busy couple days, argh.  or maybe it only seems busy because of all the money that i've spent.

today, i got a hair cut (went from mid-back to just above my shoulders. lady did NOT follow directions, but whatever, she was a newbie and my hair will grow back.  i'll let someone who *likes* being a snobbish bitch give her a hard time, i wanted my hair to be shorter, and short it is. ta dah.)  and a summer-time comforter for my room, on my mom's checkbook, YEA! but now my room matches again. the bed ain't nekkid. and my room's almost clean! whee!

and yesterday before i came home and cleaned three out of five rooms in the house, i went and bought me new shoes. and they's reeeeeeeeally niiiiiiiice new shoes too. =cD (aka, they were freaking EXPENSIVE.)

hopefully that's all a-okay 'cause hopefully the lawyers will stay true to their word and i will be employed for the next month and a half. we shall see.  i should know more on monday... maybe they'll surprise me and i'll be sent packing monday. who knows! but i seriously doubt i'll be sent packing... their legal secretary isn't around this week to train any new temps.

went to emily's baby shower today. HOLY SHIT they got a LOT of stuff!!!!!!! they won't hardly have to buy a damn thing for the kidlet!!!! got to see sonogram pics tho, its' freaky, they're like, real pictures of the baby, could see her facial features and everything.  weeeird maaan.... And prey tell, WHY THE HELL, do you need TWO babyshowers in the space of a month put on by the same mothers (grandmothers-to-be) for different people???? shiot.  just save money, have 'em all show up at the same place, at the same time, and eat the same food... i'll never make it in rich people's worlds, 'cause them and their money just don't make sense to me. everything's all real pretty, but damned if it don't seem superficial as all hell.

for example, mom and i were probably near to the last people there and the party hall still wasn't set up properly at party start time, so, without asking, em's mom put us to work helping prep food and such.  HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! we came to give gifts and say hi and enjoy. NOT to work.  why didn't you put any of the people who were there BEFORE us and were all sitting on their asses to work? it's real frustrating, very much feels like being taken advantage of.  where the heck was emily when i could'a used someone to stop by and just say "hi, we love you, we're thinkin' of ya, hang in there friend," earlier this year when i was down in the dumps? no where. she didn't call one time.  but her mom drafts us in to party labor. there's somethin' wrong with that.... 
::sigh:: i need to get the hell out of this town.

and i still haven't heard from australia, dangit!! i even sent them a quick, polite email asking for a status update, asking if there was an average length of time before i could expect to hear back from them on the application... that was on monday, so tuesday australia time... it's now SUNDAY australia time and nobody replied. ::pouts:: i'm figuring tho that just means that the international relations person i contacted is just on vacation.  i heard that aussie's get, like, a week's vacation a month?? that's prolly not true, can't even remember, just remember they value bennies more than we do. ::sigh::

so anyway.  that's what's news here, sportsfans.  i'll check in again later and check out now. =c)

wtf, tao, high aspirations, strange days

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