omg. ::sigh::

Jul 05, 2006 12:33

okay... i'm on my lunch break... i came home... because i'm bored out of my mind.  far too bored to have gone to the park and eaten my lunch in the sunshine while reading a book.  i had to find something that would engage the mind without requireing i go spend money on coffee or som'n.

...and yet i get home and my sister wants me to watch an 'i'm too sexy' fanvid for spike/angel. ::shaking head:: so much for brainpower.

but, i'm so confused!!!! i'm working at a lawyer's office again... different one....  and i was bored all morning because there was no one there who could train me with what needed done, and then on top of that, when she DID get there, she apparently just assumed that the rest of the world opporates the same way they do...

which, heh, they don't.... because this office is slightly more organized, but lazier than the last office i worked at...

nothing's set in writing anywhere, it's all "whatever mood you're in that day", basically.  and i'm the temp and the woman training me (who showed up about an hour and a half ago....) is telling me to handle the cash/recipts in basically any way i want to.  i'm like "blinkblink... but i'm just a temp.  how do you normally do this? i am more than capable of following the normal rules, it's no problem..." and the woman's response is a smile and "however you want to do it, hon."

oookay... mindtrip of a day, lemme tell ya.  and they're *already* all-for me just assuming the job full time permanently so they don't have to work at finding the real replacement... but i've already promised my uncle i'd go up to oregon to help with his wife at the end of the month... gaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh...........

gotta get back to work.

wtf, jobhunt

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