HA!! I made my dad say URGH!!

Mar 20, 2006 15:57

::evil snicker:: he's always complains that i say URGH! when things go haywire... it's not a swearword, but his problem is that it's not a *word*... and he just said it! SO HA!!!


so what have i been up to?

temping. joy of joys. people need someone to answer phones that don't ring, and they are willing to pay this someone ten bucks an hour to do so. SWEET. But BORING AS HELL. so i've had three temp jobs this past week... and each time, the phone hardly ever rings, so most of my time is spent placing stickers on mailings, or envelopes, or something. I'm an answering machine and i'm a sticker. whee! very boring. but, ten bucks an hour. ::shrug:: now if i could do it *Regularly* life might be interesting. with my attn. span, it's probably not a bad idea to become a permanent temp... that way i could do my stuff on the side and have fun. so what if i wouldn't make any money? i live at home. why the hell do i need money? ::snort:: trips to australia don't cost THAT much... (harhar) altho, downside to temping is i don't THINK they take out taxes ::sigh:: so that's gonna suck.

i need to go back to school and figure out what i wanna do. or i should temp more. hmm... vicious circles.

Keith Urban Addiction Update:
I now own FIVE keith cds and have listened to them all over and over and over and over and over and... yeah. people here are tired of it. 0=cD altho ali still likes him. MUAHAHAHAHA!! oh, and i found a funny site... http://www.keithurbanville.com/urbanology.html ... and can honestly, sadly, say that i can identify with a few of the urbanistic tendencies of the fanatics. and speaking of fanatic... i bought a keith shirt. 0=cD and a messenger bag... i think i should start calling myself the bag lady to save myself the embarassment of other people finding out how many freaking purses and handbags and backpacks i've got. too damn many. ohwell. now i have one with keith's monkey on it. .... ya know, that really don't sound right.... ::snickering self outta chair::
now i've just got to attend a concert...

my list of concerts to see now consists of: matchbox20/rob thomas, and keith urban. and there was more but can't remember them now, dangit.

annnnd uyhm... that's all i know! such a simple life. ::sigh:: my brain is suffering for it, believe me.

kuau, jobhunt, prison break, strange days

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