life: legality of necessity vs. recreation

Jul 16, 2011 03:10

I am officially confused.  This is no surprise to people who know me because they have heard this confusion many times and are TIRED of hearing it.  This confusion is not borne of being a moron, because while I may not be the brightest crayon in the box, I made the Dean's List two semesters in a row for a reason, damnit.  My confusion is created by ( Read more... )


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vonilyn July 16 2011, 22:25:11 UTC
Other neighbors moved or are on vacation. And younger than me so probably don't mind the smell because they partake of it themselves. People who smoke don't notice the smell from other smokers.
The neighbor says he's a vegan and so that's why he cooks smelly things and the smell doesn't go away. (note: never had that problem with ANY of my other neighbors...) The only time the smell happens is late at night when it's too late to contact the manager. So since it's never been proven to be a nuisance/danger to me because it's not *witnessed* by the manager or maintenance, it's a situation of my word against his. And it's not his fault I'm allergic to his vegan food. (Me having a headache/asthma attack can be witnessed by the manager, but not proven beyond shadow of a doubt to be because of the smell.)
As for moving - all of the apartments near the campus fill up by the end of May. There's nothing available in my price range, thanks to the school doing a 45% tuition hike over the last two years. I'm not even going to make it to the end of the school year as it is.
Oh, also, my rent goes up the end of this month.


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