SPN: omFg. This show. I can't even...

Oct 04, 2010 21:27

I swear, the only reason I'm so hooked on this show is the fandom love it puts out there.  It doesn't matter if I ship it or whatever, I can pick up on the fannish in-jokes and I freakin' love it all far too much.  The eps are awesome but in the grand scheme of things, the eps I watch over and over and over are the ones they acknowledge that there's thousands of ppl out there watching every night and that those ppl are being watched in return. LMAO!!!!

Like this right here...  This. I. Love.  I should go preorder season 6 right now because so far, this season is just ridiculous.  Just to spotlight the tip of the iceberg, Ep 1, we got the hug and ship it or not, the whole fandom agrees the boys don't hug enough - even if that was awkward as fuck.  ep 2, we got that nice epic ending with dean and the impala.  Now, ep 3.  We get this.

image Click to view

DESTIELers, THEY R WATCHINCHU!!!!!!!!!!  The mirror-box starez bak, yo. 
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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