I've never been a fan of painting my nails, or dying my hair, or any of that salon-type-stuff. It's just not my scene. It is beyond me. I'm not a girly-girl, I'm not a princess, I'm not at all image-conscious in the traditional sense. I'm just me and that happens to be female and has very little to do with what I choose to wear or put myself through. For instance, waxing? Never gonna happen again. Tried it, over it, not torturing myself because a fashion mag says I should.
But this last time I was at the salon getting my hair cut (note: Cut. Not Styled.) I spotted this awesome shade of... purpleish plumish roseish nail polish that can pretty much go with most of my daily wear. Work or casual. It's pretty. I liked it. It looked good on me. I bought it.
I have now spent all night - err well, 5ish hours at least - trying to paint my damn right hand nails. I had to give up because it always glopped along the nail or didn't cover properly or dripped or pooled or just in general snagged. The left hand was PERFECT. The right hand HATES ME. So after having polished and wiped the right hand nails clean again three times, I gave up. Removed the polish from left hand too and am leaving it alone. I'm sure that much nail polish remover in one night is bad for my hands. But I don't care.
I'm annoyed.
I wanted my pretty purple, dangit. =c(
So I now understand why women spend serious cash to have their nails done on a weekly basis. It's sanity saving and less wasteful than redoing A SINGLE HAND HALF A DAMN DOZEN TIMES!!!!!
And just because I'm sure I sound insane, I have an excuse: I've been sitting up monitoring my dog. She's in her teens and has these weird cancer-ish things (benign, mostly. they're just huge and everywhere =c< poor puppy.) that are currently making her life miserable and she's had a really, REALLY rough night. So I'm staying up keeping her company.
In addition to the failed nail-painting efforts, I was continuing my SPN season 2 marathon, working on a mood-theme for LJ, chatting with ppl on facebook, and generally avoiding the work I should have been doing - for no apparent good reason, I might add.
Soon I shall sleep and wake up and go pick out classes tomorrow entirely blind as to what I'm walking in to.
Because I felt like painting my goddamn nails instead.