youtube: Adam Hills is my new Aussiespiration

May 20, 2010 23:15

"If you spend your life doing what you love and then you die doing what you love, then you spend the rest of eternity doing whatever it is that you love. And if there's any truth to that, then right now Steve Irwin's up in heaven poking angels with sticks. Sneaking up on Gandhi goin' 'OH CRIKEY!"
~ Adam Hills ~ 'Joymonger'

This dude is my favorite person in the world right now. I highly suggest you watch all 7 parts of 'Joymonger' because I don't think I have honestly laughed this much in years.
Here's the first one to get you started...

image Click to view

Note: He is AUSTRALIAN. He pokes fun at EVERYONE. Actually, in this, he left the Canadians alone. But he's brutal to Americans. IT'S COMEDY, don't get worked up, just laugh. =cD

youtube, lmao

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