movies: I want one....

May 16, 2010 00:30

I saw this at 'Sam Goody's up in Medford, OR this weekend.

.... I WANT ONE.  OR BOTH.  EITHER WAY.  I also love how you can detach their heads to attach their sunglasses.

I also want an SPN poster.  suitable for framing.  But SG didn't have any. ::grumbles::

fuck i'm tired.  I wanted a road trip but... i'm set for awhile now i think....

EDIT:  MY PARENTS ARE AWESOME.  THEY BOUGHT THE BOYS FOR US!!!!  'cause the 'rents were up there in OR a day longer than us, and since we missed our chance at it, they scooped 'em up.  ::happydance!!:: so do I split them up and share with my sister?  Or keep them all to meeeee since she got the BDS wall clock?

spn, random, boondock saints

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