spn: addict alert! reinventing the wheel...

May 05, 2010 19:12

So this song came on the radio in the car today, so I wanted to know if there was a youtube vid on it already 'cause it just SCREAMED sam.   So a kind soul who I called on the phone and bugged about it sent me the following vid...

image Click to view

...very good vid!!!  but not the one that's in my head.  So do I clutter up the fandom with more adam lambert songs?

In related news, my s4 marathon is now being paused in favor of a s3 marathon.  i bought it todays (and am now completely and totally broke)!!!!

Why?  Because my sister is INCREDIBLY annoyed at me for being a bandwagon jumper who only loves the show for the current arc.  Wellllll.... the thing she doesn't understand is that parts of s1 and s2 will likely scare the living shit out of me because i'm not a gore fan and i'm not a spooky fan.  I HAVE seen most of season 1.  i DID enjoy the hell out of what parts I could sit through and still expect to sleep the same night.  I didn't watch the eps religiously, but chi1013 kept me fully informed, via her usual fangirling so it's not really a fanwagon jump, it's more like finally paying attention to the thing I'm already trailing along behind 'cause all my friends are...

I even have a huge spn icon stash.  but i haven't uploaded them yet.  damn. ::flail::

spn, youtube, vids, vid

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