school: Budget fudget blah

Apr 05, 2010 12:37

This morning I spent an hour bouncing between student services at Chico State.  Really, an hour to do as much as I did is impressive, to be honest.  There were no lines to really worry about, just wait until the person at the counter was done and then go ask my questions to a live body.  Unfortunately, my questions are apparently odd in that I'm asking them a few months too early.  No one really had anything to do for me, other than tell me to wait until the Summer Orientation and get the questions answered at the same time as everyone else.  They do this, I later learned, mostly because it costs $60.00 per person to attend the orientation.  It will be a madhouse with new students, with no time to really think in peace let alone get answers specific to my transferring credits, but that's when I'm supposed to do stuff.  So I can't plan my classes at all.  Which leads in to a minor glitch in budget.

How does one plan for budgeting classes for school?  I can't know what/how many books I need or if I need a particular kind of computer/software until I know the classes. And if I can't figure that all out, I certainly can't count on planning for an apartment and all of its various costs.  And I don't even know how much aid I qualify for or how much to get from loans...

Yes, it's April and school doesn't start until August.  But that's not a very long time away, considering one has to rely on so many different agencies getting their ducks all in a row, and said agencies don't like dealing with surprises any more than I do.  So having my hands tied on getting things arranged for the fall because the school wants to clean-up at orientation that's three months away is a bit of an annoyance.

I think my lesson of the year is that Von does not do 'the unknown' very well. ::sigh::


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