Net Neutrality petition!! Closes this week

Jan 12, 2010 01:19

So I'm slow and only just found out about this a few days ago.  I did some more poking around into it and decided, uh, yeah, I wanna sign that.... So tahdah, I pass along to ya'll to sign too, because if you're reading this, you're on the internet and therefore this effects you rather personally I would think...

Save the Internet faq:

Here's two sources of info/petition type thingys on it:

*** Credo Action Petition ***
Who do you want to decide which websites you can visit or what Internet content you can access -- you or a big telecom company?

That's what the fight about network neutrality is all about. Net neutrality is the principle that Internet users, not internet service provider, should be in control.

The Federal Communications Commission proposed net neutrality rules to ensure that the Internet is free from blocking, censorship and discrimination by powerful telecom companies.

But the pushback from Big Telecom began even before the rules were announced. Telecom lobbyists started an all-out effort to stop the FCC. Eighteen Senators (all Republicans) sent a letter to the FCC opposing net neutrality. One Republican senator even announced an effort to prevent the FCC from spending funds to enforce the new rules once they go into effect. Separately, 72 House Democrats sent their own letter to the FCC opposing net neutrality rules.

This type of pressure from Congress won't go unnoticed at the FCC. There is a Thursday, January 14, deadline to submit public comments about the rules so now's the time to speak out and fight back.

We can't let the corporate lobbyists win. What good is free speech if powerful corporations have the power to stifle communications they find objectionable?

I just told the FCC to save net neutrality. I hope you will too. Take a look by clicking on the link below.

*** Save the Internet email-your-rep page***

The fight for Net Neutrality has reached a crucial moment. The FCC Chairman just called for new Net Neutrality rules, and he is being supported by President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and numerous congressional leaders. Now we need a powerful, public show of support. More than 1.6 million people have already called for Congress and the FCC to support Net Neutrality. If we can reach 2 million, we'll send a resounding message that Washington won't be able to ignore. Please join the campaign to save the Internet now:

internetz, politics, i-spy

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