life: wtf, lappy?!

Dec 28, 2009 13:34

My techies tried to put windows 7 on my desktop compy when i brought it to them.   One of their selling points on it was that Windows7 was just like Vista, only bug free and update-free.  The hefty price-tag outweighed the fact that my compy was getting a memory-wipe anyway.

So I was absolutely tickled when the lappy on Christmas morning had a nice little Windows7 cd peeking out of the setup disks.  And I do like it, it has some cool features like a changing-at-random background according to the theme you set up, (mine currently flips thru pics of Australia) and it has the dashboard like a Mac, stuff like that.  The surface stuff is all I've had a chance to play with so far.

So imagine my surprise when I turned on the lappy this morning and was made to wait nearly five minutes for load up - for a compy that came in to being only back in November.  As it flipped through the screens to the progress screen I noticed the reason.

It read:  Update in Progress. Update 30 of 6811.

Between November 15th and December 28th there's been 6811 updates.

Bug free?  Perhaps, remains to be seen.
Update free?  Bull.

wtf, compy

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