pot: the saga continues

Mar 29, 2009 02:17

(amusingly enough, saga tried to typo as sage.)

so today (as in saturday, march 28th, 2009) the neighbors spent all morning/early afternoon roto-tilling their back yard.  this yard has been left barren all winter, yellow grass in the patches that aren't just weeds and dirt.

so... now that it's officially spring time and things are already in the middle of the "blooming season", they're going to plant seeds and watch green grass grow?


that's bull shit.

and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.  i've been headache-free for months.  but just watch, this time May i'll be in three day long migraines. so they can make money.  you have no idea how badly i dream of being able to just douse their crop in vodka and toss over a match right before harvest.  they've got the alcohol just stashed on their back porch, literally throw away a trash can full of empty bottles every two days RIGHT OUTSIDE MY BEDROOM FREAKIN WALL.  so it's a miracle they haven't burned the place down already mixing their "prescription" marijuana with the alcohol.  argh.

in other news, was supposed to go to jason's today.  instead spent the morning cleaning house for company (still trying to sell that table) and the afternoon digging a hole to fix sprinklers, trimming more shrubbery, and helping with the sprinkler-fixing that i'd helped dig the hole for.  productive day!  just overshadowed by the neighbors' bullshit.

anyway.  mark your calenders, folks! the marijuana growing season HAS BEGUN!!


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