life: school again!

Feb 26, 2009 18:58

okay... so i'm trying to spend some real time looking in to options other than the default education goal of CSU Chico.  the primary reason is that i need new inspiration in achieving a degree rather than just, ya know, rolling over and calling life as good as it'll get as a unemployed, live at home, single student with no social life.  i've spent most of my life looking forward to a higher degree than a couple of AA's, so i figure i need to try to not let that goal disappear under four years of frustration and two years of anger at CSUC's idiocy (ie: the way they treat their employees (my dad) and those stupid riots being the centerpiece of the CSUC experience.)

so my first 'i wanna go HERE!' choice after CSUC is Humboldt, but, unfortunately, CSU Humboldt doesn't have any degrees that appeal to me at all.  they're the location i want, just not the education.  i know, right?  i'm low on desire to finish school and i'm being picky about what degree i want to smash-and-grab.

next after Humboldt is Monterey Bay.  and i like these options.  and i like their price tags.  and i like their housing options.  all that's left is to figure out if i can get a loan to cover it all. lawwwwl, i say.

so the courses i'm pondering:

Global Studies, B.A.
Social/Behavioral Sciences B.A.
Teledramatic Arts

and what does my brain want to do?
Dual B.A.'s for Global Studies and SBS (the two dovetail nicely) and a minor in teledramatic arts.
... and i have no idea what that would let me do, career-wise.  but it would be perfect combination of my interests otherwise tho.  People, travel, politics, creativity and media.

my brain... is a befuddled and scary place.  'cause i'm really liking the MB notion.  i mean, come on.  their location is ocean-side and their mascot's an otter.  it's all but specifically designed to be relevant to my interests.

so compared with the option of fighting the stigma of being a 26 year old leech on my parent's household for the next four years, the degree that would have few career advantages is looking really good, actually...

...OH... AND BTW... deadline for entry to fall semester CSUMB?  March 1st.


career?, school

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