random: when in rome...

Jan 17, 2006 09:26

a thought occured to me this morning as my alarm clock went off and the radio djs were expounding on the newest season of "reality" tv.

The Romans used to feed ordinary citizens to lions and called it entertainment. Us Americans throw ordinary citizens to Paula Abdul's judging panel and the 'Fear Factor' or 'Survivor' ilk and, based on the water cooler ramblings, find it hilarious.

Rome went to war over stupid things that could have been handled in other, more socially redeeming ways. the US... well, i just won't bother.

Rome had a Senate corrupt as the senators were fat. the US... again, i just won't bother.

Rome fell down, go BOOM!

the US...

hopefully we have a few more years. I'm not married yet.

on a completely unrelated note, I hate make-up!!! urgh.

Off to see the wizard!

There is a very fine line between who we are, and who we can become. The hard part is finding that line and then crossing it.

wtf, high aspirations, strange days

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