life: The Pot is back.

Feb 19, 2009 00:54

okay. since late november our house has been blessedly pot-free.  no odors whatsoever coming from next door, creeping through our windows and under our floors.

tonight, the first clear night after a week of rain, i walk in to my bedroom (window was open an inch or two) and THE ROOM REEKS.  as in like, "hello nausea! good bye sleep!"  even as i'm out here in the office to bitchbitchrant at lj, i can smell it from the backyard on this side of the house.   and it's not on my clothes because my clothes have been febreezed against the odor and i've got my nose under my shirt collar.

this is stupid.  i have to sleep in the living room tonight.  this is not okay.

so my guess is that the pothead responsible for the garden in the back yard last summer just got back from selling his wares all over oregon and washington.  three months'd be about right to run out, right?   so i'll bet within the next month or two we hear the roto-tiller fire up next door and the new garden will go in.  joy.

wonder if they make some kind of grenade-like fogger to, i dunno, infect this year's crop with mold or pot-loving insects or something to make the plants die before they start to bud. something i could launch over the fence at night when no one's looking...

oh for FUCKSSAKE!! i just let my dog in from the backyard and even her coat smells like she was just baked.  so yeah, now i have to go fabric-sheet my dog.

the fed. DEA is going on my speed-dial, ya'll.


obligatory politics cameo:

gov. palin owes taxes! LOL!!!!!!! late-late-show's joke on it: she now qualifies for obama's cabinet!

this the same week she goes 'On The Record' (with greta!) as being pro-choice (at least, for her daughters) and echoes agreement that abstinance-only education is unrealistic.

gee, is she jumping parties? ::snort::

politics, potheads

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