life: this is how you stop Chico riots....

Feb 01, 2009 09:22

-----Original Message-----
From: CSU, Chico President Paul Zingg
Sent: Fri 1/30/2009 4:05 PM
To: All Announce (restricted)
Subject: Important Message from Campus and City Officials

Jan. 30, 2009

To: Members of the Campus Community

From: Dave Burkland, Chico City Manager

Jesse Eller, AS President
Ann Schwab, Chico Mayor

Paul Zingg, CSU, Chico President

Last night, Jan. 29, on 6th Street near Chestnut Avenue in Chico, several hundred young people who had been at parties in the area would not disperse when asked to do so by Chico Police officers. Before finally dispersing two hours later, some had ignited a fire in the street, damaged two patrol cars, and thrown rocks, bricks, or bottles at officers. Four arrests were made - three Chico State students and one Butte College student - and one injury reported, to a woman who was reportedly badly burned in the fire. Because the crowd was hostile to police officers, friends had to carry the injured woman a block and a half to where aid workers could transport her to Enloe Medical Center.

As most of you know, a similar incident took place Oct. 11, 2008 at Fifth and Ivy Streets, when a fire was set and police had to disperse a large crowd that had gathered.

A meeting took place this morning including City of Chico officials, City Council members, University administrators, Butte College administrators, student leaders, K-12 representatives, and the Butte County District Attorney. All of us are united with one voice: This dangerous behavior has got to stop. No more. Not in our town.

Obviously some students have not gotten the message that Chico State has high standards for student behavior, that the vast majority of our students care deeply about their community, and take great pride living in Chico and attending our University. For those students who don't think the expectations for them are real, and don't think there are consequences for their actions, let them hear this: In addition to whatever criminal charges you may face, the University will remove you from school. No one has the right to destroy property and put other people's lives in danger.

Chico Police and University Police will make arrests and disperse unlawful crowds, and the University will pursue disciplinary actions against any students contributing to these incidents. The City of Chico and the University will also explore what other tools they may need so that last night's incident is not repeated.

Thanks to the skill and restraint shown by our well-trained police officers, injuries and property damage were limited, given the circumstances. We are fortunate the situation was not worse than it was. But we cannot wait for another such occasion. This behavior has to stop, and it will stop, in our community. We have zero tolerance for these situations.

We know the true face of our students is expressed in the thousands of them who do community service and volunteer and work in our community. The group of Chico State students who built sheds in Concow last week for the victims of last summer's terrible fire season is just one example. Working together, we can make sure such acts of service define our University and community, and keep it such a wonderful and desirable place to live.

Thank you for your time, and please feel free to respond back and give us your thoughts and suggestions. This is your campus and your community.


^^^that's why paul zingg has a mansion and a shiny new car and his ungodly huge salary paid for by the state of california every year. so he can sign a few memos like that and remove unruly students from his school.

incidentally, an 18 year old girl was badly burned because she tried jumping over a burning couch. the smart-one collided with a male couch-jumper. she's 18. she had no legal business being at a frat party or any other party, in the first place. and secondly, after she pulled her act of brilliance, her friends had to carry her A BLOCK AND A HALF in order to get her to the medical staff. the medical units couldn't get to her because of the crowd. because of the schools at CSUC, it's a gurantee that there were doctors and nurses in that crowd.

imho, they should all be barred from the csu system entirely, not just the four who were arrested. hell, more should have been arrested. there's no way they'll find a jury in this county who will blame a riot on four people so the kids will be rightly scared and let off. but some of us have to work damn hard to go to school. i've been in school for 8 years and working for all of that off and on, responsible to myself and my family the whole time. but i'm not good enough for their school system yet. so why are a few hundred rioters? i hope that in light of the injured 18 year old, enraged and frightened parents withdraw their funding for the semester and make their kids go to some other school when they get out of high school.  let this stupid riot shit die a fiery death.


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