life: ::snicker:: Dad's christmas prezzie

Dec 24, 2008 03:58

from me, made by me, using air-dry clay and acrylic paints.

for my dad, the myspace-green spot addict.

The 3D, boxed,
Green Spot*
*MySpace Not Included!! =c)

the critters and their 'green spot'.

the critters and flowers.

that is a flamingo. based not on science but on green-spot artisans. 
with a lot of snobby attitude accidentally thrown in for originality.

that is an accidentally depressed koala bear.  he started out a dog, but the clay was depressed and sagged before it dried. so he got turned in to the koala instead. ::snicker::


my faves are the depressed koala and the "wtf is your problem?" flamingo.  the combination of the two, considering they were both COMPLETELY  accidental, just keels me ded.

crack, wtf, photog, xmas, santa time!

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