rant: neighbors and music

Dec 13, 2008 12:34

i swear, i'm an open minded person with a genuine interest in learning about other cultures.  i love the color that it brings to life. i respect the beliefs of the different religions and communities across the globe, they fascinate me with their stories and practices. and i encourage their right to practice those beliefs with every fiber of my being.


while raking leaves this noontime, a car pulled up to the boys' group home next door.  blasting a song that caused me physical illness.

Yall Niggas by NSC

[Hook] 2x
Yall niggas don't wanna see me
But some of yall niggas wanna be me
Hatin cause a nigga on tv
Man i'm off tha fuckin chain, and yall niggas don't feel me man


Verse 1
If ya feel frogy then jump, i'm pullin out hands no need to pull out my pump
can't mess wit no punk niggas, chump niggas, scared to get crunk niggas,
Lemon head, no future, weed head, and drunk niggas,
So now you see i can only be me, Bee Yew Double Dee
Tryna live my L.I.F.E. Don't mess up wit me, pushin me to tha L.I.M.I.T,
Cause i'll have a bomb wrapped up unda ya christmas tree......that's why

[Hook] 2x

Yall niggas don't wanna see me
But some of yall niggas wanna be me
Hatin cause a nigga on tv
Man i'm off tha fuckin chain and yall niggas don't feel me man


Verse 2
I'm tired of weak niggas tryna hang wit me
If you scared to box a nigga you can't swang wit me
Fuck up and test my nutz and you gone really see
That i'm off tha fuckin chain, and yall niggas don't feel me man
Don't know what you boys are drinkin
You betta wake up and start thinkin
Or ya body gone be in a ditch just stinkin

[Hook] 2x

Yall niggas don't wanna see me
But some of yall niggas wanna be me
Hatin cause a nigga on tv
Man i'm off tha fuckin chain and yall niggas don't feel me man


the context of this, being played around a group home that is cleared to house kids with criminal records for everything from petty theft to rape and murder, made me physically ill.

i get that it's a song.  i get that nigga is acceptable in "their" culture and not "mine." i don't understand why "they" want it that way and i never will because i'm not "one of them."  i'm just one of their fellow cracker americans who has to put-up and shut-up for the passive-aggressive retribution of crimes committed upon *their* forefathers' culture by a bunch of men who weren't even my forefathers. (no part of my bloodline - to my knowledge - participated in support of the Southern/British agenda of slavery. I guess the pro-equal rights thing i've got is an inherited gene.)  it's a double-standard that is socially acceptable, even tho i get to proudly say "one of them" is now *MY* president.  it is also something I feel should not be encouraged by people serving as role-models to "troubled" youth of mixed cultures in a freaking government-sponsored group home.

If "ya'll niggas" want to profit off of the exploitation of "your" culture, then for fuckssake, put the profits back in to the communities still being effected by it.  Wake up and realize it wasn't just "your" culture that was effected then and is effected to this day. Put at least a little effort in to restoring the pride of "your" culture instead of wearing the pain of so many people of MANY CULTURES around your neck via 'bling' that costs more money than even I'll ever see in my lifetime.

call me an idealist, or whatever you want, but just because "it is" doesn't mean it should continue to be allowed in the fucking new millennium.

ranty, wtf

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