movies: /Slash/Books: because Twilight is the shit that the dogs eat...

Dec 06, 2008 22:30

ali found this link somewhere...

(in which someone quite familiar with Smeyers' religion does an amusing and perceptive comparison between twilight and the mormon religion.)

.... and was kind enough to share with me.  and I lol'd. but at the same time i am so afraid for the world simply because twilight is so huge and yet is such a piece of religious propaganda.  i mean, come on, harry potter was an Anti-Religious propaganda and there were huge book burnings for it.  and that was everyone's right to buy those books and burn them and bad mouth them and that's fine and dandy. 
but why does twilight get rave reviews when the similarities are so obvious AND the writing is worse than JKR's in books 4 thu 7 combined?

so yes.  if you love twilight or if you hate twilight, or if you have heard of twilight and briefly entertained the thought of ever reading it.  Read this first.  it tells you everything you need to know and saves you a shitton of contributions to the LDS tithe. =cD

NOTE:  I AM NOT BEING ANTI-ANYONE'S RELIGION.  i am disagreeing with the notion of religious propaganda not being touted as religious propaganda. if the pot is colored like the kettle, then by anyone's god, i want them labeled as such.  no saying one is bad and the other is better in a mass marketing such as this and other books have received.

so honestly, the gal who wrote that bit of fun up there is my Internet Hero of the Week!!! for putting the label on it in such wonderfully readable lettering.

that is all.

politics, movies

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