OMG!!! there was a RIOT!!!

Oct 12, 2008 19:06

SERIOUSLY!!! a riot in chico.  AGAIN!!!!!!! like, twenty years to the day almost as the last one that turned over cars and helped bump CSU Chico to #1 party school in the US.

and the kicker?  emily, janine and i were just aimlessly wandering around down town last night, less than a half hour before the shit hit the fan.  we heard NOTHING.  we saw NOTHING.   except the gangsta wearin' his sparkly 'bama shirt, and he was walking in to a half-emptied Normal St. Bar.  but go to that link and it has a vid of what downtown chico looked like last night from the silent avenues we were wandering to the college campus itself.  HUNDREDS of students rushing toward 5th and Ivy (AGAIN!!) lighting a couch on fire and throwing stuff at cops.  it went from 11:30pm until 2am!!!

no cars were dumped over, so apparently this generation of rioters is a buncha whimps, but there was a lot of hatred toward the cops being expressed.  and that worries me.  i blame ron paul and his supporters because every one of those bastards i've met refer to the cops as the "Blue Light Gang" but that's just me being prejudiced against the dumbass college students i'm forced to share classroom space with every monday and wednesday night.

but anyway.  the real kicker here?  i heard nothing of this until my parents asked me about it on the phone a little while ago, literally less than fifteen minutes ago.  and they're still in LA. ::shaking head at self::   so i had to look that up for them and for my own curiosity.  but i need to get back to my homework.  'cause i've sorta got a shit-ton due tomorrow and i've sorta been putting it off allllllllllllll weekend until today...

but this is all kinda in line with some stuff that's been on my mind since earlier this afternoon.  i was watching TV Land's "hollywood myths and legends" and they had this bit where apparently J. Edgar Hoover had agents investigating the set, script, and actors of Disney's "That Darn Cat!" because he was concerned with the image of federal agents being portrayed in tv and movies at that time period.  and it occured to me, listening to them talk about JE Hoover, that he's Dick Cheney's predecessor in our history books. there's a connection there that i want to investigate a little more.  just 'cause i'm so blasted clueless on US history past 1908.

also from that show, they had a bit on carly simon's "you're so vain" song.  apparently the person the song was written about has the letters R, A, & E in his name.  my money's on warren beatty.  just 'cause i know he had this thing with wearing hat brims in a particular way over one eye...

amusement heard on ALF episode earlier this afternoon:

alf: Justice never rests.
mom-lady: What if I gave Justice a cookie?
alf:  Justice would think about it.

now, back to work with me. ::sigh:: and i don't get a cookie.


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