Sep 30, 2008 23:44
Okay. This time it wasn't me who picked the fight. but i just spent an hour arguing politics with an idiot. i'd ask him a question in hopes of getting an honest answer because i really wanted to know where the fucking HELL this man was coming from.
for instance, at a point where we were not arguing so much as he was extolling the virtues of ron paul, this person i was chatting with said he is very active in local politics. i know next to nothing about ron paul, other than that he is "pro-life" and therefore off of my radar as i don't trust that he'll keep it out of his governing. so my interest was in the local business that this guy had mentioned.
so i asked him: how are you active? where are there places i can get involved, too?
his response: "idiot. lol"
that's a discussion? that's not even an answer to my question. prior to that, too, my attempts at conversation went about the same. so i don't think i'm going to bother talking to him anymore. he was condescending and rude and wasn't being at all friendly. then he started in on politics and he wasn't earning himself any points for his party.
so, between him and my previous encounters with other ron paulers...
some common traits i've noticed among Ron Paul supporters:
* mostly late-teens, early college student ages.
* party-goers and often high or drunk or both.
* loud; very vocal about their support, mostly going up on to buildings and yelling, or driving by waving signs and yelling at passerby.
* obnoxious. get into peoples faces *physically* to state their support of an *idea*.
* test the boundaries of the law. spray paint on things, kick over signs, replace other party yard signs with ron paul signs.
* impulsive. see all of the above.
* quick to mis-quote "facts" and not receptive to being shown the actual quote/fact/letter of the law that they are misconstruing.
* the major selling points that they cling to are those that border on anarchy; gun rights, less government, less social involvement, etc.
* selfish and childish attitudes, particularly toward money. what's theirs is theirs, unless they need to borrow a few bucks for lunch.
* prejudiced; anti-democrat, anti-jewish, anti-gay, anti-foreign countries, anti-black, anti-mexican, anti-asian... name anything NOT white and republican and they have a derogatory term for it.
* they know what the laws are when it comes to The G-Men/cops/politicians breaking it, but they have very little concern for the instances when they themselves actually break the law in their daily activities.
... that's what i've gathered from the people i've met who were ron paul supporters here in chico. there's probably no campaign paraphernalia saying that's what ron paul is all about, but that's the impression that his supporters are giving. please, if there's folk out there who DON'T have the above tendencies and support ron paul, do chime in on this. let me know. PLEASE prove that there *is* intelligence in ithat party.
but as it stands so far, i'm left wondering: are those really admirable qualities? considering the people who fall in line say something about the priorities of their leaders. am i just that much of a straight-laced prude that those kind of people strike me as stupid when the rest of the world sees that as okay?
it causes me mental distress to realize that my government is operating not as a public service but instead as a corporate, greedy machine, and politics and elections are just placating the voters to get the votes. i don't want my government representing *me* because of how much i don't agree with their practices as politicians. i value intelligence and fact, compassion and equality. we're in the 21st century now, modern, with gadgets and gizmos and toys galore with which to entertain and occupy ourselves. food and resources are currently still plentiful to our country, especially easily available to those rich people running the country. we are at the top of the food chain as human beings and among our neighboring countries. as a society, we want for nothing. there's no reason for anything less.
so why is it that as a society, we still value the base-level thinking? where is the evolution of thought and attitude that separates us from chimps and other animals? why is it okay that we discriminate against each other because of where we come from, the color of our skin, or any other thing that makes us 'different' from each other? why is it then okay to ignore the troubles of your neighbors and demand to only have to concern yourself with your own chosen business? how does a person graduate from high school without realizing that every society runs on the combined efforts of many people and not at the whim of a single person, president or king?
it confuses me. i'm not some kind of enlightened genius. i can't even pass a math class the first time through. but i do understand that i'm no better than anybody else who lives in my neighborhood, and i do understand how the government is supposed to be working and where it has failed us. what i don't understand, and what confuses the living shit out of me, is how anyone can call themselves an adult while still holding the "virtues" that were outlined for me by that very-well-off business-man i was having the debate with tonight. they are so backwards and selfish to where it seems like we should be, given what all has come before us in documented human history!!! it frustrates me to no end.
imma go tell my auntie that i'm most upset at her for telling me not to vote without paying attention. everyone else in the US gets away with voting from their gut and pissing on reality, how come i can't too? ::kicks dirt::
we don't deserve the system that we've got; no wonder bush has fucked it up.
=cp',',',',', on aunt tanya!!