seriously? that should have been my clue right there. this was designed to be a two season show. they said so at the start of it. all the actors signed a two season script. now... season 4. i forgave season 3, mostly because they brought in an aussie. actually. i think that's probably the only real reason i forgave it. i watched the show out of fangirl loyalty. now... i'm a t'd off fangirl. who's stuck being loyal because somehow it's in my genetic coding or something. damnit.
i tell you one thing, tho... i'm not dvr-ing prison break 4 anymore. i'll personally delete the timer and do it with satisfaction. the season 4 premiere was on hulu, so the rest of the season will probably be there too, and that's where i'll watch it. but the script... omg. did the writers freaking phone that puppy in? i've seen tighter scripts on day-time dramas. the lolcats watching their stories know more about good dialogue than those scriptwriters did. and that's what's so terrible... there were something like 4 or 5 names front and center on the credits, all surrounding story editing, script editing, etc. tis just... no way. you can't even say that slop was victim of too many cooks! it was like a bunch of fanfic writers got together and decided they were gonna write a script based off their favorite tv show, so they jumped the real writers, stole their notebook with the story arch, and left the bodies for dead in a ditch. cbs could make a comedy out of the travesty that FOX has made of my show, and that comedy would FAIL with more grace than the season 4 premiere of prison break had.
the main cast, they're all themselves, they're all great actors and are really comfortable working off each other. but the new supporting cast... none of them could act. they were too star-struck or something. are the egos really that big on set? plus, as i pointed out already, even the supporting cast knew that their lines were trite and any 3rd rate hack could do better. i still can't get over the just glaring insult to the actors' abilities and the characters' intellegence that those writers conned the show-runners in to allowing.
the most outrageous example: sarah's miraculously brought back to life! yea! i knew this was coming and i'm in full agreement with that part.
the unerringly STUPID writers however, blew her return to smithereens. before we hear sarah say ONE SINGLE WORD, we're dropped in to TWO FULL SCENES of make-out between her and michael. THE HELL??? then, finally, in the THIRD SCENE since her reincarnation, we get about 4 sniffling, weak, co-dependant-woman sentences out of her. and omg! the act of speaking must be some kind of aphrodesiac, because suddenly in the next scene, mike's putting his shirt back on and SHE'S without her pants. and what's terrible is that sarah wayne callies and wentworth miller normally work so great off of each other, but the lines sucked so bad they seemed to be choking on them. i hated it. i'm such a shipper for mike and sarah, they are the show's only genuine OTP, and the writer's SOMEHOW fucked up what should have been the easiest reunion ever. hell, all they would have had to do was turn to a fanfic and pay off the writer. any of the hundreds of fic on that topic alone would have been better than the swill we got handed to us in that eppie.
so that smutfest of mutual character assassination's all gone on in the bedroom. while linc's in the next room moodily reviewing a file, which, oh yeah, i knew there was a plot here! linc's got it, okay, good. wait. linc? as in, the big brother who shoots first and asks questions later which is how this whole show got started? that linc? is reviewing notes? reading clues? ... uhm... wtf? i'm all for linc being smart, because he is. but no. just. no. the juxtoposition of mike getting it on with sarah while linc plays clue-slueth just.. damages the brain.
the writers could not have disappointeed me more. i'm afraid to watch any more for fear they'll make me hate my show. but at the same time, i'm so not willing to let that be the last new prison break eppie i ever see. altho i can't say i'm sorry to see jodi-lynn okeefe go, damnit, they didn't have to get rid of my aussie. i feel cheated out of the whole 3rd season, by the well-targeted placement of one semi-auto blank and prop makeup.
episodes like this make me wish i had a more netizen personality so that i could whip out some fandom!secret lingo, a screencap, and just post a f!s that would appropriately shame that episode's writers in to breaking every pen, pencil and keyboard that they own.
BTW.... told you....
....the lolcats watching their stories know more about good dialogue than those scriptwriters did....