KEITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (beware fangirling)

Aug 08, 2008 14:02

see, this morning, i woke up and wanted coffee. in order to get coffee, i had to get the cash via taking cans/plastics to the recycle place. so i did that. now, i NEVER listen to the radio any more. i'm so ANTI commercials it's sad. so i listen to the same old worn out cds ad-nausea-um. but since i was taking the full truck load of recycling, i had dad's truck, which meant that i had to listen to the radio.

and because it was dad's truck, my normal alt-rock station (...the one i ONLY listen to for the aussie dj...) wasn't programed. so i surfed around and stopped when i heard dj's talking about keith. and i listened as the gal totally mangled keith's and nic's totally cute interview with that sydney radio station that i fan girled about the other day. (some people just shouldn't try to paraphrase OR direct quote, either one.)

anyway. so at the end of the little news-blurb about keith, the dj's said 'oh btw we're giving away tickets today....' and i just about screamed in frustration. i never win radio call in stuff. i usually only manage to 'qualify' for the 'chance' to win something, but even then they never draw my name out of the hat. (so that's the other reason i stopped listening to radio... i missed out on three-too-many keith concerts, honestly.)

so, naturally, i call my dad while driving (bad me... cali law says thou shalt not...) and request urgently that he trade his morning news for the radio, because sometimes dad DOES win things on radio call-ins. which dad grudgingly does.

and, listening to radio with phone in hand, i drive on to get my coffee and drop stuff at recycling place. a nice ten dollars and sixty-five cents richer, i return home. two hours to kill before i gotta get ready to go to job interview. of course, once home, dad and i both miss the next two ticket give aways. so i start getting ready for interview.

i'm putting my makeup on, - literally have just gotten a finger covered in concealer to hide my natural-born raccoon eyes - and i hear the cue to call. i run thru the house calling for dad to start dialing while i'm scrambling to find my phone. phone found and the dialing-redialing-redialing begins. i go back to putting on makeup one handed while listening to the busy signal mock my futile human efforts.

and then... suddenly... i get a ringing line.

in the next room i hear dad ask 'what caller am i?' and then do his unhappy slump of shoulders and thank the person on the phone.

then... my line picks up...

in one ear, my dad is reporting that he's one caller off while the dj's in the other ear informing me that i'm caller 9 and the tix are miiiiiiiiiinnneee!!!!!!!!

it's so random. i never win, i never listen to radio. i was just sooo happy to be talking to that dj, after that, the first words out of my mouth to the dj were a very calm and happy and no less sincere, "oh i love you." ::snicker::

i listened to the play back of the call later on the radio and as it turns out didn't remember having said about half the things i heard myself say. at which point i was thankful that i wasn't a complete crying, blubbering, fangirling mess all over the dj and instead managed to be all cool and calm and happy.

::Doing happy dance!!!::

oh, and i, ya know, had a job interview today. but that's far less important than keith. 0=c> besides, as i told maggie...

TrackerChiled: oh, and, uh, i guess on the interview stage. i was the first interviewee. grading scale probably a high b, low a. minus points for floundering a bit when they stuck me behind a computer. (wtf self?)

RJMorris AIM: nothing like a pop quiz to throw you off your game

TrackerChiled: ::nods:: and the pop quiz was vague. was "show off your mad excel skillz" and i'm like, "it's excel. it's data entry." so i entered data and prayed. but up to that point, i was definitely on the mark.

i also have a lot of elements that they're looking for that i'm hoping will play in my favor.  glad i grabbed the first spot too because i got to see a little bit of the chaos that is the way that place runs.  the choir kids were in there with parents when i showed up, and i was only a few minutes early, but still, i was there before the interviewers.

oh, and, uh, it's very likely that they'll be calling on references, so, uh, if you fall into that category, don't be surprised if you get a 530 call that's not me...


now that i have tix, i have to find out exactly where kinocti is, anyway.  i think it's about three hours north east...

EDIT:  CORRECTION!! LMAO!!!!  try 2 hours south west!!! ::ded::

but i soooo don't care. i'll drive it.  it's keith's what, like 3rd or 4th concert since being a real daddy and his i think his 2nd america-side since taking a few weeks off just to be the daddy. so, that's, like, historic.  maybe i'll getta see sunday and nic. ::snicker:: but i doubt that.  i'm hoping for new music since the twit's so happy being married he's only been releasing greatest hits lately.  (i love him, therefore i'm entitled to call him a twit, tyvm.)

yeah. stopping babbly and going map hunting nao. bai!

kuau, jobhunt, muahaha!!, omg

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