Sep 16, 2009 09:41
I am a fan of Taylor Swift (although in truth I prefer her radio edit songs more than her actual album). And of course heard of the hooha at the VMA event with Mr West. This led to a research of finding the videos of the actual event, which in turn led to some... less than savoury findings.
There are hundreds of people out there, making videos of themselves asking rubbish questions and giving more rubbish answers to events world wide. Most of these people come from... should I say it?... America. Where I suspect Youtube is something of a phenomena. Seconds from the insult occuring there were videos online of people giving their opinions. The replies going back and forth as long as the VMA lasted and well beyond. The best part is that these people would get a lot of response. Not all the responses were as vapid. But a good deal were. I was almost alarmed at myself realising that I had just contributed to the video being watched hits tally. Although in my defence, I was just looking for the actual event. Instead, I got average looking guy after average looking guy giving me their bland opinions. I wonder why girls don't post their opinions as quickly? Perhaps it is more acceptable for a guy to be average looking and appear on a video (More acceptable to the girl wanting to post a video that is).
Goddamn it I'm ranting like one of them now. Give me a moment to find my depth and clarity once more.
Yes, I finally got smart and checked some news websites that gave me what I was looking for. What interested me was the actions of West actually and completely backfired. His statement was met by a cheer for only a second before the jeering began. Following this, Swift got a massive sympathy and empathy response and Beyonce got to look good by giving Swift her 15 seconds. So only Kanye lost out in the entire fiasco. More people probably now know and have watched Swift's video than he would have imagined I believe. A very uncalculated move there.
It amuses me that had West done it more quietly later (assuming that Beyonce hadn't won best video which would have abated his disatisfaction) by say twittering it. Or going online to start some ugly rumours about award choosing by the VMA. Repercussions would have been a lot less harsh and we might even have found a surprsig number of people who might have agreed with him! Being defended by the anonimity of the net, how many others might have voiced their disapproval? Strategy, West. It's all about strategy.
Another amusing thought that comes to mind is a... transactional exchange. Say we could place a value upon the popularity of a entertainer. West lost popularity and Swift and Beyonce gained. If we could measure it, I wonder what the results would look like? Would we see an equivalent shift in value, or would West have lost more than the total gain by the two divas, vice versa? Of course, there are problems with the question itself. but it is an interesting economical one.
On a more human note, I was very touched by all the shennanigans. It is always heartening to watch a seventeen year old singer suddenly make it big. One of those stories, you know? And it obviously, it was very kind I thought of Beyonce to give her moment away. True she has had her fair share, but good ettiquette should never go unpraised. And as for West, the perfect villain everyone wants to hate. I hope the poor guy survives it haha.