Aug 24, 2006 23:45
okay.. I just got home from school and all I have to say is, "I KNOW THAT MODEL COMES STANDARD WITH A BLINKER YOU JERK OFF!!!" I mean come on Dammit! People, know how to drive. You had to take some kind of compitency exam to get your damn liscense, right? When in the far left lane, you move over to the lane on your right as soon as possible when you see someone driving up your ass! It's the correct thing to do.. That's the fast lane! Not the, "I'm already going the speed limit, so you're going to have to deal with me not going any faster than this." Lane. It's for the people that want to take the risk of going faster than posted.. Oh and it's also the lane you go on to pass other people on the freeway! Also... Check your mirrors, THEN LOOK IN YOUR FUCKING BLIND SPOT BEFORE YOU MAKE THAT LANE CHANGE!! I think I'm gong to start carrying a megaphone in my car, so when someone does something stupid, I can yell at them properly. And don't give me that Damn excuse that you don't understand english. If you don't, I'll treat you like a moron, by slowing my speech down and talking louder at you! Because that always works right?
So get a hands free or put the phone away! Turn the god damn music down. Take all those stupid ass sun beaten stuffed animals out of your rear window. Quit putting on the make-up and doing your hair and fucking drive! And not just put your wittle foot down on the widdle pedal to make you go! Use courtesy, common sense and intelligence when you drive! God dammit!