For anyone out there who is a member of
SuicideGirls.Com, I am writing a paper on the website for my Computers & Culture class.
(x-posted from SuicideGirls):
OK, so I am writing a paper on Suicide Girls for my Computers & Culture class. I have spoken to a few specific girls who are members of the site to answer my questionere, but if anyone I haven't spoken to would like to as well, the more the merrier!
1. Who are you and how were you drawn to Suicide Girls originally?
2. Are you A Suicide Girl?
A. If not, do you aspire to be one?
B. If you are, how did you become one (describe the process and how you feel about it)
C. For both, why (do you/did you) want to be a Suicide Girl?
3. Who do you think this site is geared towards? (Males? Females? Which more?) (How and why?)
4. How often do you use the site?
A. Have you met people through it.?
B. How is it differant than differant "profile webpages"
C. Has it effected your life (and how...positive or negative)?
D. What do you think is the best feature of the site?
5. Do you feel this site objectifies women?
A. If you are a SG, do you feel objectified/objectifying yourself?
B. If not, why not and what makes this differant than other porn/porn sites?
6. Any other thoughts, feelings, comments you would like to make about SG?