I suppose I'll start at the beginning...
I worked early that morning, Friday 07/16/04, the 7:30AM shift so naturally I came home and crashed. I woke up later that evening, with the brief thought that it was morning. It wasn't. Pat and Jerry rolled up to my house after I went quick food shopping and made myself some pizza for one. Evan met up with us and we rolled out to a classic New City party, and what New City party isn't complete with: underage girls, beer pong, jello shots, and a fake cop scare. That was the kind of party we were at. Why we're a group of us 20 something year olds there you may ask? Well, why not is the answer...the novelty is too good to be left untapped by our sorry asses. By the end we found a few seemingly flakey NJ folk who were in our age bracket. Got spotted for being in Project Mayhem, and had a girl say this to me: "Oh my god! Did you know that the guitarrist from 3 Monkeys Named BOB is here!!?" Without giving too much away, the night ended with a flock of us going to the Nanuet Diner, some crisscut fries with cheese, and a lot of really loud, leud conversation. Perhaps some photos will give some insight to the debarchery (btw, Pat is a pimp):
Anyone want to make captions for these??
In the morning, Saturday, 07/17/04, I had to get up for a Purchase Transfer Day thing. I got to the campus, got a folder of books and papers, and sat down for the opening speeches and such. Funny, I saw a girl I met once from Five Towns there. I was going to say hello, but she was always surrounded by Mommy and Daddy anyways...is that really necessary? Soon after it began, a tall and skinny girl came in slightly late and sat down next to me. We small talked and became friends for the rest of the day since it turned out we went to the same Elementree School, Middle School, and had some similar aquaintences and close interactions, yet never ran into each other. Besides, she has a trunk full of Argento, Savini, and the like DVDs that she travels with...also included Killer Knlwns From Outer Space and House of 1,000 Corpses, 2 of my favorites.
Basiaclly, the day was to register for classes. Winds up the transfer students get fucked out of that one since all the other students (freshman and returning) register first leaving us with hardly any classes open to take. I came out of the day with only 2 classes...I didn't even get into the class that is an introduction to my major...lame!!
Next stop, Tarrytown train station. I was meeting Sarah in the city to come back to Rockland for a night. At this point, I'm quite tired. Who do I run into on the train? None other then
Ashleigh who was taking it to Yonkers. That was a fun little talk. I was early for her arrival when I hit Grand Central, so I decided to just take the subway and wander. I thought I'd hit St. Marks Place to keep me busy, but I must've turned the wrong dirrection. Oh well, I found a smaller Kim's Videos that I stepped into for a moment, then kept walking finding myself lost in Chinatown. This is where I needed to be anyways since that's where the bus came in, so I walked around aimlessly till I found that spot. I grabbed a pizza role from a place in Little Italy and sat down at the bus stop till it's arrival. It was at least 30 min late and I near fell asleep. WHen it finally came, she came out with a friend who was from Germany and had met her on the bus. We traveled with her guiding her to a subway to get her where she needed to go. Eventually, we found the got the train back home where we enjoyed the movie MAY (courosey Maria).
In the morning, Sunday, 07/18/04, I actually had to work again at 7AM...nobody knew I was working except for Sarah. Oh well. After, I thought we might meet Pat in Nyack for a brunch at Strawberry Place, but there was the Street Fair and his friend Newman had to cancel plans so instead, Pat came by and I made a wonderful breakfast for 3. Pat, though, was fucking way late because he was at the guitar store picking up picks and chatting away.
I rested a bit while Sarah was editing some photos she took...it took way longer than I had expected or wanted since we were driving back into Boston that evening. By the time we were finally ready to leave, it was dismally raining and nearing dark. Alas, the trip went with a few CDs, some I liked more than others. I made chicken wings from the Store 24 by her place and we watched Sixteen Candles, which she had never seen.
Monday, 07/19/04 I slept in quite late as I had to wait for Sarah to come back from work then her class after that which was extended till near 9...so all that time for myself in Boston. I rummaged the used CD stores, and although having too much time too browse I kept my purchases minimum since funding was tight. I thumbed through Virgin Megastore complete with reading the new introduction to the Fight Club book and browsing through the Suicide Girls book (durring which I was hassled by some middle aged folks who thought they were clever or funny or something). When she finally got in, we took the T to a Hollywood Video to rent some movies. The one we watched that night was Nowhere, the conclusion of the movie trilogy that included th Doom Generation. Interesting movie, no real plot or substance though.
Tuesday, 07/20/04 started a bit rough, but smoothed out a bit towards the end when we finally got to cooking a wonderful dinner and watching more movies (chicken wings and pasta made with an M83 soundtrack and eaten while watching Made With Love). On Wednessday, 07/21/04 I drove back home, took an hour or so or resting then went to work.
Coming soon, pictures and stories of the great Buckethead and experiences not yet lived.