"It was black as black", or, Fandom warps you irrevocably

Mar 21, 2008 09:26

I'm reading Dashiell Hammett, and I'm nearly finished with The Glass Key, which is the last story in tthe Everyman's Library collection. And man. Ned Beaumont, you're taking this manly stoicism a bit far, don't you think? And, all the manly face touching. And.


"While Rusty hesitated, the apish Jeff knocked aside Ned Beaumont's upraised hand and pushed him down on the bed. "I got something to try." He scooped Ned Beaumont's legs and tumbled them on the bed. He leaned over Ned Beaumont, his hands busy on Ned Beaumont's body.

Ned Beaumont's body and arms and legs jerked convulsively and three times he groaned. After that he laid still.

Jeff straightened up and took his hands away from the man on the bed. He was breathing heavily through his ape's mouth. He growled, half in complaint, half in apology: 'It ain't no good now. He's throwed another joe.'"

... (?_?))

So anyways. Things. Have great material wantage. Might trip over to Virgin Mega at lunch. Bad dog, no biscuit. Someone brought homemade... thingy triangle Jewish cookie with jam things. Mmm. I want a hardboiled hat, haha.

ETA: Dandy-ism is banned now? XD

ETA2: Tom Waits' dog food commercial! Aw man, I still need to complete my Waits collection, and get his fancy new stuff, and the Orphans 3-disc, and and. His hair. (Which... okay it was the 80s, but if you squint, Clint Ruin (JG Thirlwell) totally had that hair/face too. Hahaha. Ha. Um.)

... It's Friday! Why am I alive! And now I'm watching more Waits videos. Ahh. Maybe he's on tour. I can't tell if I want a mosh pit more or cabaret-glam showmanship shows at the moment. X3

ETA3000: Iggy Pop & Tom Waits! Something to watch later~

And uh... okay Scissor Sisters! *goes blind*

ETA88: Okay, finished the book now. And um. Wow. That ending is NO. Oh but the scene where he meets up with the ape-ish thug again, and uh, they have the most questionable exchange for three pages... anyways. I want FRIENDS-SA reconciliation in futurefic, like um, like The Long Goodbye stuff people write. Hurr. Oh man, I totally have a type, help help.

In conclusion, MANLY STOICISM trumps MANLY FRIENDSHIP, I guess. (T___T)

And why did I not know this movie/video clip existed for The Clash's "Rudie Can't Fail"? YAY. No wait, I HAVE seen this clip or parts of it at some point in my life... I remember Paul making that meal. >___>;;;

ETA^0: Ah, early 80s Neubauten. <3
EA-- oh whatever: Abwaerts! Oh good, I don't think that's Mark waving his arms around... um, I hope. I would die laughing.

literature, useless

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