Apr 08, 2013 20:38
Well not really stressing, more like unnecessary faffing. I currently have all my stuff spread all over my bed, and the floor! I am about to attempt ‘first pack’. I learnt a method over the years which sort of works for me. ‘First pack’ is everything I could possibly want and need, usually far too much. ‘Second pack’ I do the bare minimum, which still seems like too much but is really what I think I can’t do without. ‘Third pack’ is often done in the morning before I ship out and consist of putting most of what I took out back in, with the obligatory last minute addition which turns out to be the most useful/worn item I take.
I really should get a better system!
I am bound for Tunisia tomorrow. Slight concern that I have to travel from the north to London…and it’s cold. So I have to wear appropriate clothes which will most certainly not be suitable for when I land in Tunisia where it is…not cold (day time temp between 20 and 30 degrees). There’s only one solution, wear all my clothes going down, it’ll save on the packing!